The emotional aspect of the movie
One reason I think The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 1 is the best of the series so far is that it is very powerful emotionally. Some of my favorite scenes are:
1) The opening scene: Who else finds it very dark and also sad how Katniss is going mad in the pipes? It is heartbreaking to see just how shattered she is. Also, a few minutes into the movie, how Finnick says he wishes they were all dead, so that they would not have to endure any more heartbreak or pain. It's just such a dark, yet powerful scene.
2) Katniss' return to District 12: You hear the slow, sad music when she returns to her home in the Victor's Village. The music portrays how alone and sad she feels, returning to such a dead, empty town.
3) Katniss' speech in District 8: If you pay close attention, you see the reactions of Boggs and the others as they listen to her emotional and angry speech, showing just how much power she is. Also, when the scene ends with a close-up of her face, how destroyed and helpless she feels. Just so powerful and depressing.
4) Right after the District 7 uprising in the woods: For about 15-20 seconds, it shows Katniss just sitting in her room quietly, not even moving, just moving Peeta's pearl around in her fingers. The silence in this short period again shows how preoccupied she is with the whole situation, and how she is just lost in her confusion and sadness.
5) The hunting scene: Watching the elk lift up its head when Katniss is about to shoot it, and how innocent it looks. When Katniss puts the bow down, just watching the expression on her face shows the realization she has come to about war and killing, and how much it has scarred her. Also, when she and Gale sit by the river, and Katniss is in total harmony listening to the rush of the water and looking at the woods, almost coming back to her childhood in District 12. The music playing here is so peaceful, the music from The Hunger Games when Katniss receives the medicine from Haymitch when she is treed by the Careers.
6) The second return to District 12: The music is so depressing in this scene, and Gale's sadness in recounting the bombing of District 12. Just sooooooo sad. When they all go to Katniss' house, and how quiet the scene is with the slow music in the background. And Gale's comment about Katniss only paying attention to Gale when he is in pain. It shows how much emotional pain he is in.
7) The Hanging Tree: When Katniss first starts singing, Pollux is smiling as he listens to the music, but in the second stanza, his smile turns into a sad frown, as he realizes how dark the music actually is. And on the way back to District 13, the only ones awake are Katniss and Gale, and neither of them talk; they just stare in silence, with the song playing in the background. The people in District 5 risking their lives, charging towards the Peacekeepers, with the water in the back; it's one of the most powerful scenes of the movie.
8) Katniss' and Finnick's talk: When Katniss says: "How do you live with it?" meaning the emotional pain, and his response: "It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart" or something along the lines of that. Does anyone else pay attention to the violin (I think) in the background, and the slow, sad music it produces in this scene. It is a slow scene, but so powerful.
9) Post-bombing of District 13: When they are outside in the wreckage, and when Cressida is trying to give Katniss directions about the propo. How the camera focuses on Katniss' face, how she just stares into blank space, coming to the realization that Snow punishes her by hurting Peeta, and how he might kill him. When she begins to have a panic attack, it's just so hard to watch her fall apart like that after having seen her in the two previous movies.
10) When Snow reveals that he knows they are in the Tribute center, and then quickly cuts the signal. When Katniss starts crying and repeating: "Did I lose them both tonight?" That was the most emotional she has been throughout this entire series so far. Jennifer Lawrence does a PERFECT JOB here. It seems childish, but it shows just how helpless and scared she feels inside. Anyone else think she did a fantastic job in this scene?
I know this is a lot of heavy analyzation here. But does anyone else pay attention to these points I made, not just the facial expressions and acting and plot, but also the music and how it adds to the emotion? Does anyone think this is the most mature and best of the series thus far?