Battle Royale sucks

I'm not sure if it does, but it's fans sure are annoying. Why don't you cry about it?


Its *


lol - Looks like Battle Royale 2 really hit home, eh butthurt American citizens?

(You did mean Battle Royale 2, right?)




Battle royale is better than the *beep* hunger games movies, and plus, foreign action films really pack the blood and gore


Saying A is better than B is meaningless unless you give reasons for its superiority.

Packing a film with blood and gore is usually a distraction so that movie-goers won't notice a film's flaws.


The hunger games movies don't do the source material AT ALL, battle royale 1 and 2 DO do the source material justice, the adaptations of battle royale 1 and 2 didn't tone anything down while the adaptations of the hunger games 1, 2, and the first half of part 3 wussed out and did


*justice AT ALL, you know what I mean


Apparently the guy who produced the american remakes for The Ring and The Grudge was working on remaking Battle Royale 2...until The Hunger Games came along...


Bring up your argument with the owners of 'Battle Royale 2'. They are the ones who wouldn't pay the distribution fees to allow it to be released in the US, not me.


"foreign action films really pack the blood and gore"

and that is all BR had. blood ands gore. no real story or plot. cookie cutter characters, stock situations. just a lot of blood and gore. boring.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Shut up pete293


and that is all BR had. blood ands gore. no real story or plot. cookie cutter characters, stock situations. just a lot of blood and gore. boring.

Plus numerous plot holes that show that they didn't care about having a coherent plot. Examples:

(1) The Battle Royale project has been going on for years, yet the kidnapped students react as if it was a bolt from the blue.
(2) Supposedly the BR project is to terrorize rebellious students, yet they target law-abiding students who stay in school. (And make it clear that getting on a school bus can endanger your life)
(3) This is supposedly in an alternate-universe militarized Japan that was never defeated and occupied by the West, yet they give their pet project an English name and even their logo is in the Latin alphabet (BRII ? )



^ How to spot a pleb.

Hunger Games is good for sure, but at its core it's a goofy movie for children that sugarcoats its violence, nothing "great" about it. Battle Royale was a game changer and created/mastered the genre.

Pretty much every single person who hates Battle Royale on this board only hate it because they like the Hunger Games better and their own confirmation bias. I bet a majority of the people who hate BR here haven't even seen it and only hate it because some people consider it better than their beloved Hunger Games.... Also because they are preteens.

HG is good, BR is the best. Deal with it.


Pretty much every single person who hates Battle Royale on this board only hate it because they like the Hunger Games better and their own confirmation bias.
No, they hate Battle Royale because its fans are obnoxious, insulting, and mendacious (Example: "Battle Royale was the highest rated DVD on Amazon today" [it wasn't even in the top 20] ).


"Battle Royale sucks", how to spot a pleb.

Both movies are good no doubt, but Battle Royale will always be the genre's masterpiece.



This Site Might Help You.

How did Suzanne Collins not get sued for blatantly copying Battle Royale?
So I just saw the film adaptation of The Hunger Games last night, and I'm curious as to how this book got so much recognition even though it's essentially a copy of a Book/Movie that (in my opinion) was much better done, 12 years ago.

I'm not making a question to bash the book/movie,...
Source(s): suzanne collins sued blatantly copying battle royale:


