Is it bad to like both the Hunger Game series and Battle Royale?
Cause I saw BR on youtube and it was awesome on so many level but I still love the Hunger game series.
shareCause I saw BR on youtube and it was awesome on so many level but I still love the Hunger game series.
More love is always better. I'm so tired of this Battle Royale vs THG thing going on. Why not enjoy both, like you do. And let's be honest here, it brought Battle Royale to an audience that never would have known about it otherwise. So yeah, I wish there were more people who feel the way you do.
sharejudging my the reaction of many on these boards I think its against the law.
For what it's worth, I really like both the BR film and book. I've only read the first HG and thought it was OK. I liked the first HG film but liked this one better.
I wish more people on here could judge the films as different, individual entities.
Well both are great in their own way, I loved BR and THG, maybe it is one of the few that is better done then other rip offs or copied stuff, you know what I mean.
shareOf course it's not bad. They both have their ups and downs. BR was much better than Hunger Games (1) but Catching Fire was much better than BR II.
"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."
Details aside,
The emotions BR and THG elicited in me were very different.
BR was very campy and reminded me of how characters are portrayed in manga/anime. The teacher Sakamochi at the end was so comical in how he died. I also enjoyed the game format a lot better. It was interesting to get a random weapon from a machine gun to a paper fan. You also had more of a bird's eye view in the jumps among all the students that wasn't really centered on POV, but more so on the altercation. So I would say third person. How the battles and deaths played were what excited me, and I was not invested in the characters as actual people, but of something out of satire.
THG is so much more serious in tone. It made me cry at times, it made me feel the burn for revolution in connection to how things are playing out in society today. I could feel the punishment of the peacekeepers on Gale, and even Katniss and the tension of Haymitch's approach. The arena was a bit lackluster in terms of I didn't see all the altercations play out, but that was a sacrifice that brought me a lot closer to Katniss both in emotion and development.
BR is about the death match.
THG is about Katniss.
This isn’t really a matter of which one is better, because honestly… BR came along first and I still like them both for what they are, which is violent books about dystopias. There isn’t really anything noteworthy in their prose styles or their characterizations. In fact, the bulk of their appeal seems to be derived from their brutality.
They are obviously similar, though, but I think that you can use the same plot device and create something very different. Just look at The X-Men and The X-Men. It happens ALL the time.
So, The Hunger Games and Battle Royale share a foundation, and their stories are not so very different. I recommend you read them both and enjoy them both on their own merits if you don't mind reading the same thing twice, and not spend too much of your time wondering which copied which, and whether or not the rip improved on the original version.
BR has one main theme and it is the theme of betrayal between a close knit group of people who have grown up together. The theme is how even those you have been close to will betray you for their own agendas. Also in BR the outside world is totally excised from the story. What happens on the island, stays on the island. No one will every know what happened.
THG takes a much broader story for it's main plot. The story is very much how the outside world will be affected by what happened in that first Arena. The outside world is affected even more by what happens in the second Arena. This is a progressive storyline where characters motives are changed as the story goes on.
It can best be explained by saying the BR is insular and it's world is sealed off completely from the outside world. In THG, the outside world is another character. This world is being change in every book. To put it another way, in BR the status quo never changes, in THG it is in a state of constant flux.
I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.
I have read Battle Royale, Hunger Games, and watched Hunger Games, and I love them all.