She is ungodly painful to look at. I mean she looks PAINFULLY unattractive.
It is an exercise in anti-eroticism. Really hoping she ends her reign of terror in film. I know her dad was talented in music, but she is killing film.
Ungodly painful? Personally I don't think she's that unfortunate looking, but she's not gorgeous either. I mean.. ugly people aren't put in movies, are they?
What about Gerard Depardieu? He's still in the movies, right? I've no clue, since I haven't bothered my ass about him since he dragged all of his weight and para to Russia and snucked into that house he got from Putin.
I don't look at people and think that they're ugly at all, unless they're really mean-spirited at the same time. So I would say it's you (not Charlotte - whom I find truly attractive, due to her genius).
But then again, I think Ernst-Hugo Järegård is the most beautiful man that has ever lived.
It's you, loser. Charlotte is one of the most attractive actresses in history. No, her beauty aint of the usual Hollywood type, but darn, her face is so expressive and sensual.
I really do hate these sorts of discussions, debating an ancestresses or actors beauty or attractiveness is fuqing puerile to say the least. That being said there have been so many about Charlotte Gainsbourg I feel I should say that even taking in to account that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one persons goddess is another's Hippo, (and maybe some people even like Hippos), I think Miss Gainsbourg is extremely sexy. There is something very sensual and sexual about some of her movements and gestures, I also find her very attractive, In terms of her features and colourings etc. But I can see that she doesn't look like the stereotypical Hollywood idea of what an attractive women is. Clearly not yours either, but I think perhaps even you'll agree that your post has gone a little bit far. I very much doubt that Charlotte patrols the boards on IMDB and she will probably never read your comments. But regardless of that it just seems unnecessary to be so fuqing negative about someones appearance. Sure condemn her acting all you want, that's the industry she chose, and she would have to accept that that is how she will be complimented and criticized, but saying that her appearance is "Killing film" just makes you sound like a twat.
A performer's appearance is GREATLY influenced by how they are photographed, made up and lit, etc. by a team of specialized artists. There are thousands and thousands of dollars spent to achieve a certain look for any specific project.