Block User

Did everyone one forget about this feature. It's a quick way to end cyber bullying. If there's any ways that wouldn't work please explain that to me.

"Hello Mr. Hindle or as they called you around the hospital...Zepp."


This is talking about adolescents that are bullied through technology. This isn't a bunch of adults with experience and knowledge and the rest of the qualities that a mature adult would have. It is very easy to say how you would handle a bully as an adult. For these kids, not so much.

These are kids that are saying all kinds of horrible things to each other. Then having everyone at school see what has been said. Then those people start saying the same thing. It is compounded bullying. It is not safe.

I am both a MD in psychiatry as well as having a degree in computer science.

Whoever said that it is "IMPOSSIBLE" to "hack" into someone's Facebook account is so very wrong. There are many ways to do it without having the information needed. There are backdoors and code equations that a simple computer major could find or write and Voilà!
A good enough programmer can make a program that does nothing but use cues to figure out passwords. I've seen a couple of these programs.

To me that is even scarier. You add that element and you may not have the slightest clue who you are actually talking to or who is actually bullying you. It is an overwhelmingly bad feeling to an adolescent student who has to face this behavior at school and then come home and face it on their computer.

Studies from the American Pychiatric Association and the New England Journal of Medicine, to name a couple, have even stated that this abuse is almost constant. Essentially they are bullied all day long, as it goes on at school and then when the students get home and get on their computers it continues.

This is something that is going to be prevalent for some time unfortunately. The only thing to do is try to be proactive in keeping this from happening and escalating into violence or something worse. When I talk to some of these kids that have been bullied on the Internet, some of them say (it) feels worse than the face to face bullying we all have growing up. When it is online It doesn't go away and it's there forever. Even after you delete it. Once it goes out its out.

All I can say is that cyber bullying is a lot more dangerous and harmful than a lot of these children's parents think. If you have a child and they have social networking, pay attention. Don't be that parent that is so overbearing that you are going to make your child want to rebel. Remember though, it is worth the physical and emotional well being of your children to make yourself the bad guy sometimes, the disciplinarian that makes sure they are safe. Good luck to you all.
