MovieChat Forums > La migliore offerta (2014) Discussion > Was ALL this really necessary?

Was ALL this really necessary?

"Bad movies we love"? Well, there are "good movies we hate" too!

To be honest, I don't remember when was the last time I watched a movie with so big devotion. Not only because of the mystery, but because of everything. And I went to see it because nothing else (that I hadn't see) was playing, and nothing intrigued me to the whole movie, I felt it would be so boring and long (131 minutes). But, even since the first 5 minutes, I liked it a lot.

But, I was let down in the end. Not because of the sad ending. But because I feel the director tricked us for no reason. Ok, so Sutherland and Sturgess used the girl to steal his paintings. But, really... Just think about it, realistically... You and another guy know someone, and you want to steal the paintings he keeps in a secret room. You think and set AAAAALLL this crazy story, this crazy hoax, to do it?? Wouldn't you just go in his house in masks, put a gun in his face, and tell him to say the password for the door? And then tie him until you do the job?? There is no other in the house, he himself told he sends all the servants away at night.
But no, you have to find a girl, lock her in a huge house, make her call him for the antics job, hide herself in every visit he makes playing sick and crazy, so, if we're lucky, he'll fall in love with her (a guy who has never slept with a woman!!), and put her in his house. Yeah, that's much more logical than call him that you want to visit him to tell him something important, then drug him, open the steel door with a torch, and job's done.
But...there would be no 131 minutes movie otherwise, right?

Very good movie until the last 5-10 minutes. After that, sorry, but it sucked. They could have found a more realistically way to do it. They even left the painting and the automaton with the recorded message! Ok, it's a movie, but give us a break! A whole movie for nothing! How many times have we seen that?? Countless!


My feeling about this movie overall is similar to the way I felt after "The Spanish Prisoner", except Jeffery Rush's performance was so much better. I console myself about the less than satisfactory ending with the realization that at least it gave Rush more aspects of his character to inhabit. I really felt his angst, his sense of loss, even his gradual recovery and return to the world was interesting. And sitting in that cafe in the end, I think I even felt a sense of defiance. His performance was so rich.


in the last ten minutes when he was headed to prague i thought it was gonna show he turned it around on them and got the collection back, but it ended with him sitting in the cafe alone. lost potential

also it was a bit confusing with the flashbacks he 'saw' from the hospital. they shoulda (what i woulda done here) had the hospitalized oldman sport a thick messy beard, so when he was flashing back to the scenes just after the heist, then back to the hospital, it woulda put the timeline in perspective. as it stands now, it is very confusing. still now i don't know if the prague cafe ending was meant to occur before or after his assistant brought him the mail in the hospital. unclear, ambiguous.

"Where... can I put my ash?"


As far as I remember, the Prague scenes were obviously after the hospital.
And a depressed character growing a beard is such a cliche.


i remember you. the cold water brigade. lmao

say what you want; it came off as ambiguous.

besides, shall you not mention the other 852 cliches in this film?

"Where... can I put my ash?"


You remember me from where?


yeah me too I was expecting a revenge. He rehabilitated, find out the real Claire in the cafe. She should be able to give him some very pertinent leads with her memory.


Virgil was always condescending towards Billy. Billy wanted to show him.


Agree wid u 110%. Rated 1/10!


Wouldn't you just go in his house in masks, put a gun in his face, and tell him to say the password for the door? And then tie him until you do the job??
This movie is set In Europe, not In the wild west. Very strict gun control here.
