I am in doubt whether to watch this movie. Being a straight man, a movie about male strippers is perhaps not a natural first choice.. But a 6.1 is not so low, and the movie did very well at the box office.
Is there any straight man who enjoyed the movie for its story/plot?
I find this interesting as well. These types of movies can come with a double standard for men in woman. If a straight woman sees a movie with female strippers its okay, but a lot of men feel the need to defend their sexuality when it comes to watching this movie.
I am a heterosexual male and while I did not have any initial interest in seeing Magic Mike (not for any particular reason, the marketing just didn't seem to interest me), I ultimately decided on giving it a try. My wife had seen it a few months ago and really enjoyed it, and with the sequel being highly anticipated, I decided to give it a shot.
I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I anticipated. It certainly isn't the best movie that I have ever seen, but it was very enjoyable, and I commend them for making this kind of movie on such a low budget.
Though I normally wouldn't comment upon this - because I don't really feel the need to do so - the question originally posed seems to suggest that because I am a heterosexual, I would have problems with the content. Honestly? I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to watch a movie about male strippers and not be bottled with fear that it might "turn me gay" or something. I recall seeing The Full Monty when I was a teenager, and people having all of these concerns, as if it is a real thing that movies make people gay. If this is something that seriously troubles a person, then perhaps they have much bigger problems than a rated-R movie with occasional male nudity. Just saying.
I'm a straight male and I thought the movie wasn't that good...it was just ok. The male stripping scenes didn't bother me as much I thought they would, but the story kinda went nowhere. I was hoping it was going to be more about the life of a male stripper...which I guess it was,but it just was too boring. My biggest complaint is about the other main actor, the guy who played "Adam" ! He sucked. He was very unlikable and mainly an awful actor. He wasn't funny or convincing in any of his dialogue... Anyone else, would of made the movie a little bit better!
Yeah, I thought it was pretty good. I'm not a manic Soderbergh fan--don't get me wrong I think he's a good director, I just find his films hit and miss--but this was one of his more enjoyable films for me. Some of the acting leaves a little to be desired (Olivia Munn, Channing Tatum himself and Cody Horn are not very good in this) and there's not much in the way of a plot. It's a serviceable character study though, I suppose. Worth your time.
Yeah it's alright, the stripping scenes get a little too long sometimes but most of the duration is not men stripping (according to trivia there is 19 minutes of actual stripping in total).