I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)
I saw this movie with my lady friend and she's the type that doesn't like nudity like that. We watch a lot of tv shows on HBO and Showtime together so she has to put up with a lot of that. I knew there was nudity going in but I didn't know what kind exactly. And this movie pretty much started with a shot of her chest. Then she walked around and I could just tell she wasn't happy about it.
My only theory is Nadine Valezquez was like "hey if I'm going to be naked in this movie it's going to blow all other nude scenes out of the water, I'm stealing the scene from denzel, and I don't want any guy to be able to recap anything that happens in the scene other than me walking around naked."
That being said, I enjoyed the scene but it didn't seem necessary for her to be naked other than the fact that some people will enjoy it. I can understand why some people might be uncomfortable.
- "The movie was so unrealistic thinking back on it, that someone so messed up would really not have been able to land a plane like that in reality - only in movies." -
That's adorable. I have worked with addicts and alcoholics for 20 years and yes they could. How about playing one of the most famous guitar solos? Or driving your kids school bus. It happens all the time.
Annette, don't blame the filmakers for that part. Blame me. I'm the type of filmgoer they make those scenes for. I would have preferred a few more seconds of her backside and less of her front, but that's just me.
It's funny how I post my opinion on what I thought of a scene from this movie and most agreed it was too long, but then there were those few that are just plain stupid. No, I don't want to control every thought in my husband's head, and yes I have looked in the mirror, and yes I have grown up, and yes i do satisfy him, blah, blah, blah. I also agree with that last response about how this scene was made for a moviegoer like you who like seeing naked women. I guess I just didn't expect it, I expected some guy who landed a plane drunk and the consequences of that. Still an interesting movie. Thanks for the feedback though everybody :)
and thats what it is your opinion, to say that the only people who enjoy female nudity are pervs and sickofants, I have a different opinion on the matter.
We come into the world nude, nudity is natural and is viewed as art, specilly in the case of woman. Woman are beautiful, the naked form is beautiful. This is my opinion, I enjoyed the scene for what it was, I didn't have a problem watching a stunningly beautiful woman "ACT" in the buff..... This was an overall great film with a positive message in the ending, to those that said they didn't see it, well you apparently are the type of people who are heartless and stupid. Watching Denzel go through a downward spiral only to finally say enough was enough. The ending was him paying for his mis-deeds and attempting the long walk back to rehabilitation. How is that so damn difficult to process? Perhaps some of you are a tad too selfish on your outlook and this is why you can't see the painfully obvious, even in film.
I didn't mean to call anybody a perv or sick...I forget what you called it. I just meant I understand people liking a scene like that, that's all. I get it. What is OP?
I don't know why but it still amazes me that people still have the nerve to complain about nudity in an R Rated film.
Because there's nothing natural or aesthetic about the human body at all right? It's not like artists didn't spend hundreds of years sculpting "naked chicks" and displaying them in public. Not at all.
I imagine there were still people even then on the sidelines being "shocked" by all of the profane nudity in paintings and sculptures [read: Art] throughout history.
Still hasn't made a difference. People will tell the story they want how they want to. And artists will express what they want however they want to. Mature some. And DEAL with it.
There are always going to be be stupid people. Just as long as your point isn't that the only two camps that exist are people who agree with you and stupid people.
I was so annoyed too! Full frontal nudity served absolutely no purpose in this film (or any film, really). How many people couldn't focus on what Whip was saying on the phone because of the naked lady prancing around?
Did it get your attention? Okay. So, there you go. Anywho, me being a 43 yr. old woman seeing this film with my boyfriend, I had no problem with this "ice-breaker" scene. yes, she was hot. yes, my boyfriend will think of her when he has sex with me, yes, yes, yes ...
The point of an attention-getting first scene is to hook you in and keep you watching the film. If you want to see the first scene, your brain is going to tell you that you want to see the rest of the movie. You might even think that there could be more nudity later on and you would definitely want to be paying attention to that.
I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)
Agreed; it would have been far more believable for her to role out of bed in pajamas, as lovers so often do after a night of unhinged passion.
These kinds of posts honestly come off as insecurities. I don't mean to offend you at all but if you're worried or jealous about your husband seeing such things, you shouldn't be. It's a movie for adults, and many movies will have similar scenes.
If you consider your relationship solid you should be comfortable enough with each other to watch stuff like this without getting bothered by it.
I'm glad you didn't walk out of the movie theater because of that alone though as it would have undermined the whole story the movie was trying to tell.
It was gratuitous, because THEY were gratuitous. Up all night doing coke, flight in an hour of so. To have any semblance of modesty would have been inauthentic. It did not hurt that she was amazing looking, but the scene worked because even her nudity added to the raw, extreme nature of their relationship, the prior evening or their recklessness.
I agree that the nudity was totally egregious and insulting. Even if filmmakers had given a flash of her body I would not have noticed much, but the focus on the nudity was just too much in my face, a bit immature. The audience at my screening was thoroughly middle aged (sorry Denzel) and racially mixed. No one appreciated it.