
American Gods is done at Starz.

The Lionsgate-backed premium cable network has canceled the troubled Neil Gaiman drama after three seasons. Sources say Starz is in talks with producers Fremantle for a potential event series or movie that would wrap up the story based on Gaiman's novel of the same name.


Get woke, go broke.




When are you people on the far right sphere going to get sick of parroting that stupid phrase every time a show, movie, or video game you don't like gets canceled or underperforms? Especially when it makes you look like complete dunderheads considering there are plenty of examples of "woke" media that do just fine. Perhaps the show sucked for reasons outside of your narrow scope which contributed to it getting canceled. This coming from someone who never watched the show and never had a desire to. The difference is I didn't sit around complaining about the things I heard about that didn't like. I just didn't watch it.


"there are plenty of examples of "woke" media that do just fine."

Oh, really? Like what?

PC bullshit isn't necessarily about 'wokeness', mind you, and if you radicalize everything, in movies or video games, and try to sell it as normal, people won't budge it. That's why even though TLOU2 has a critic's score of 9.3, the user's score are 5.7. Now let's see how they mimic the franchise's success with a third TLOU.

Let's talk about Batwoman. Oh wait, nevermind, it's a success with a score of 3.4 on IMDB.

Let's talk about Watchmen. Almost 100% on Rotten Tomatoes but 50% of average audience score.

Woke products are never organic. You feel coecerd, dirty. And those who claim to liked a particular product are never actually satisfied. They just lie to themselves.


"Oh, really? Like what?"

Seriously? We're really doing this? How about you compile a list of successful media of recent history that's devoid of "woke" content? Woke content according to the alt light/right sphere anyway. This would be a much more difficult task. Maybe they exist but I certainly don't know of many. Better call Saul perhaps?

"PC bullshit isn't necessarily about 'wokeness', mind you"

Sounds like an arbitrary distinction to leave room to make "exceptions" when convenient.


The Walking Dead:

House of Cards

Pretty much any CW show

Orange is the new black

13 Reasons why



Black Sails

The 100

Umbrella academy

Video games

Most Bioware RPG's
Life is Strange (The series is pretty much exclusively this)
Mafia III


You can add Battlefield 5 in the games section, with them pushing women to the front.


I'm a little late to the party since I only recently finished season 3, after which I came to this board to see what people thought, and I saw this thread.

Seriously? We're really doing this? How about you compile a list of successful media of recent history that's devoid of "woke" content?

That's actually very easy to do. There's plenty of non-woke franchises that did very well, most of which came out before 2011-2015 when wokeness really took off, although there are some that came out after 2015 that didn't go woke and managed to do well too. Many of them may have been diverse, but that doesn't make them woke. You want some examples of non-woke franchises that did well?

Star Wars (first 6)
The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
Most superhero movies
Harry Potter
Avatar (wokeness level is debatable)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Fast and Furious
Mission Impossible
James Bond
Terminator (first 3)
The Matrix (first 3)

Legend of Zelda
Mass Effect
God of War
Gears of War
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter
Call of Duty
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil

Dragon Ball
One Piece
Demon Slayer
Attack on Titan
Demon Slayer
My Hero Academia
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

and on and on and on...

Nobody has a problem with diversity, what they have a problem with is wokeness, such as when racist writers hate on straight white people and glorify "marginalized" groups, writers that lie about history and insert their radical views when it usually has nothing to do with the story or characters, and being lectured to when people just wanna escape and have fun. That's what woke is, and that's why more things are failing now.

A lot of what you and I brought up did well at first, until they went woke (among other reasons), while the CW never really needed a lot of viewers and profits to keep their shows running, so mentioning them is moot. Woke stuff that appeared to do well at first, like Captain Marvel or the Star Wars sequels, turned out to only be short-term success based on waning popularity and failed merchandise sales and theme-park attractions.


“while the CW never really needed a lot of viewers and profits to keep going”

Yeah, that worked out well.



Get broke, go woke.


Get fucked, go duck.

What was that apt phrase again???

Oh yeah,

Fuck off!



Show went to shit after season 1. This season they made too much an effort to appease every single far left nut in the writing room and the story was ass because of it


Must suck being a right wing nut and not have any art form cater to your narrow minded kind.


Must suck to see your art go woke then go broke


Uncultured swine.




Good. It was a great book that became a decent series that became a meandering series that became a wokefest series so lost up its own rear end that it appealed to no one. What a colossal waste of a genuinely original and interesting premise.


I recall shadow suppose to go the Jacksonville at the end of one episode then the next one he shows back up at lakeside LOL

I'm like ok wtf was the point of that but at least they had the gay rave with a character who died already in the book with his Djinn. Guess they kept him around for those inclusion points and needed him to do something, who cares about the main story :/


Too many minorities for ya?


I think the issue is not too much or too little, it is the fact that it is not true to reality. In order to push a narrative, everything that happens in Woke scripts becomes completely manichaean, without nuance, psychologically and sociologically implausible. It requires too much suspension of judgement to be enjoyable. Characters that belong to allegedly oppressed groups are not allowed to go through difficult times, so their character development is usually inexistant, they are immediately succeeding at everything because it would be unpopular if they had doubts or flaws like every other character. Another issue is when you do a superhero film like Dr Strange and then make the entire film about how pathetic and weak he is compared to Wanda and some unknown new girl. It is just illogical for a superhero film that the superhero be pathetic, it just loses the audience that admired that hero. Wanda is a pretty OP character in its own right and her film was great, though, it was not unrealistic and as the superhero it made sense that she would be empowered in her own film.
In many Marvel series you can see superheroes being weak and even often weaker than their girlfriend, black friend, etc. I am all for minorities having interesting characters but in superhero franchises it is understandable that if you kill the superhero and devalue them to an insufferable degree, the film or series starts to tank.

In Rings of Power for example, this was not the case. The black elve has a beautiful role but so has Elrond and his Dwarven friend, so does Elrond, so does Galadriel. Galadriel has doubts and is even deceived, so the plot is realistic and interesting. This is very different from the last Star Wars where Rei succeeds at everything without ever knowing doubt (mastering doubt and resisting the temptation of the dark side of force is canon for the series, you can't just remove that to transform the hero character in a Mary Sue).




Where has your virtue gone?


Another example was how the Woke showrunners started to tank Game of Thrones when they took over. They made Jon Snow pathetic, weak, disloyal, cowardly, disregarding continuity of psychology and narrative.

I think the issues happens when studios and writers start to modify great source material too much in order to signal virtue. The moral grandstanding ends up breaking the story continuity, opens plot holes, breaks the psychology of the characters, and then they start acting in damning ways (for white men usually) or become all powerful for no reason (minorities). By the end of GoT it was only gay men, cripples and ennuques who were allowed to have an interesting character development. Don't get me wrong , I loved those characters, but it was too manichaean and didn't make sense based on the story, it ended up turning the story upside down, creating a psychologically unrealistic unfolding.
I think that's the main issue with Woke writers, since their are social constructivists, they don't believe that the integrity of a personality matters - even counter-natural, illogical behaviors can exist. At at least realism is less important to them than the narratives they are trying to push.
I liked Scandal the series, it is about hypers-succesful black woman, but she was the hero of the show from the start, her behavior is logical, her character development makes sense and is realistic - I don't call that Woke because there was no Woke intervention that crashed the show and it does not shove any narrative down my throat. It is not even about black struggle! Just a beautifully inspiring role that could be reminiscent of Michelle Obama or Oprah. So there is no need for Woke narratives to portray minorities in a good light. There is no need to overplay the narrative, the narrative plays itself if the story is good!!




No one begged you to read the full post.


Good. American Gods is one of few shows that it ruined after one amazing season.


First season was so well done. Shame what it became


I thought season 1 sucked too and went nowhere, plus it was extremely vulgar and nasty and hard to sit thru. The first two episodes were intriguing and showed promise, though.


I don’t think her sucking the guy into her pussy was “amazing.”


The plug-pull was what you call euthanasia.

Neil Gaiman is talking about finding another avenue to finish the story😂


If he does he needs to go back and read his own book and get this thing way back on track. It took an eternal detour into Sens8 territory and lost all cohesion and plot. Better yet learn a lesson about adapting something people love, and try sticking to what people loved about it. I love Gaiman and his books. This is just a really strange moment of high dumb. Get it together, Neil.


I agree, Sarah. We live in what the Chinese curse describes as “interesting times.”


I held out hope that Sweeney would come back, but ultimately gave up on Season 3.
