MovieChat Forums > American Gods (2017) Discussion > Who The Hell Is Doing The Music For This...

Who The Hell Is Doing The Music For This?

I think that episode 6 is the best so far. We have some actual plot movement. We have Wednesday. We have Mad Sweeney! We have Arnie from L.A. Law! We have people who love guns! Sadly, we also have dead Laura, the mungcunt; but I am happy, because we have something that looks almost like an actual TV show, but with two exceptions:

"I Put a Spell on You," originally sung by Screamin' Jay Hawkins, is one of the best blues/mambo (i.e., Voodo) songs ever. They have 2--count them, 2--versions of it (not by Screamin' Jay) in this ep, and they both suck booty. That's hard to do. Take the music director for Big Little Lies, make her antithesis, and that's the asshole who's choosing music for AG.

Plus, I am fed up with the white-bashing on this show. To quote Rod Serling: Submitted for your consideration: AG believes white people are a plague. The first scene of this episode shows white Americans shooting and killing Jesus for helping Mexicans sneak into the USA. He is shot with a rifle that has "Thy Will Be Done" engraved on it. I am an adult white American male, so I guess I am supposed to be a terrible person. I find this racist and I object to it. Gaimon's hand couldn't be any heavier if he were holding an anvil in it--like the anvil Arnie, I mean Vulcan, used to forge the sword that Wotan/Wednesday used to cut Vulcan's head off.


I will give them this: on ep 7 they played the original "Runaround Sue," by Dion (Demuci) and The Belmonts! Great goddam song!



Oh,be quiet. Quit whining because white people aren't always the good guys for a change. Get over it.


Yes, the music on this show is extremely ugly for the most part. I do, however, very much enjoy the intro music, almost as much as the intro from House of Cards.

Who is AG?

But I never noticed any white-bashing on this show. Even the lynching scene had nothing to do with race.


AG = American Gods.
