MovieChat Forums > Maggie (2015) Discussion > Likely to be the biggest FLOP of Arnold'...

Likely to be the biggest FLOP of Arnold's career to date...


...Unfortunate, but true.

How this movie was green-lit I have no idea. Nobody wants to see a PG-rated movie about zombies that replaces the typical thrill, action, blood and violence associated with zombie films with an out-of-shape over-the-hill Arnold trying to act 'emotional' regarding the daughter character slowly deteriorating towards death akin to watching someone die slowly of terminal cancer. I'd rather pour salt in my eyes...



Well, being the OP, I have to say that after having just watched the first trailer for Maggie I am pleased to admit that I could not have been more wrong... In short, I am entirely reversing my opinion regarding this movie. From the trailer this movie looks amazing and I can't wait to see it. Let's hope the movie is as good as the trailer implies ;-D

Which you can find HERE:


Dude it's a small independent film, it's not expected to set theatres on fire. He's trying something different, what's wrong with that? Feel free to pour salt over your eyes.

See you at the party, Richter!



really im_back1? Go cry to your momma and come back when you figure out how to dish out a real rebuttal.


To be honest, he doesn't seem like the one doing the crying here.


Okay, YOU come up with a good rebuttal. :D I'd like to hear it. The original poster was being a jerk. Arnold is trying to branch out. This is a smaller budget indie film. I think it's great. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.




Pretty sure he's trolling you guys, because he's been posting nothing but praise for Arnie on the "Terminator: Genisys" and "Legend of Conan" boards.

That, or he's one of those rabid die-hard fans who can't accept his idol being anything apart from The Terminator, Conan or any other past character of his that isn't holding a gun.


To clarify, IMO Arnold's track record of movie choices to date since his return to acting has not been very good... Pretty much every movie has tanked.

I am actually a huge fan of Arnie, but I am of the view that he needs to be making some better choices of what movies to make if he is going to regain his box office popularity and in fact recover his movie career.

I actually really liked him in Twins and some of his older movies where he isn't "holding a gun" and I really liked The Last Stand and Escape Plan... Albeit the majority of people clearly didn't as reflected by the box office performance of those movies.

IMO he needs to pick better movies that will reinstate his previous box office results before trying out different types of movies like this small independent film, which if unsuccessful only stands to further damage his career.

That is all. Hence why I said "unfortunate" ;-D

Hopefully this movie will be a roaring success and he will subsequently become box-office gold again... Hopefully, but IMO unlikely.


That's a more mature debate, your original post was more of a bash.

See you at the party, Richter!


Not intended as such... more bitter disappointment upon finding out that this is his next movie subsequent to multiple consecutive box-office bombs... IMO it is absolutely the wrong time to be trying something quirky and different like this and I cannot help but think: "what the hell was he thinking when he signed up for this?"... IMO the better strategy would have been to get back in decent shape (which ironically since filming this movie he has in fact done) and stick to his roots... do something like this later after he's regained his box-office charisma.

The problem as I see it is that the general population will see this movie precisely as I stated in my original post... and as as result it will flop despite its small budget; wherein, it will need to perform at least as well as Sabotage in order for it to not make a loss (depending on how much they spend on marketing it).

If this was the first movie Arnold did upon his return to acting that would have been way better circumstances than this being released on the back of multiple box-office failures...

For these reasons, like I said in my original post, this is likely to be the biggest FLOP of Arnold's career to date... Unfortunate, but true.


The thing is, when this was filmed Sabotage hadn't been released yet and Escape Plan was just coming out. I'm sure he expected those to perform better so maybe didn't consider that. Like we've said, it is a small movie so it doesn't have big expectations and can't exactly fail. It's more important how his next projects like terminator do that will count.

See you at the party, Richter!


The thing is, when this was filmed Sabotage hadn't been released yet and Escape Plan was just coming out. I'm sure he expected those to perform better so maybe didn't consider that.

Yes, however you are forgetting the fact that The Last Stand had just bombed big-time, so it's not as if he had a succession of box office winners under his belt when he chose to do this, did he? Which IMO would have been the right time to sign-up for doing something different like this movie and most certainly not when your previous movie just bombed. Hopefully this movie will be a success but unfortunately for all the reasons already stated I believe it stands more chance than not of failing big-time. :-(

Like we've said, it is a small movie so it doesn't have big expectations and can't exactly fail.

Unfortunately, that is quite simply not true. It most certainly can fail. We all know what journalists are like and there is no chance in hell that this movie flopping will go unnoticed... It's inevitable that there will be dozens of publications shouting about "yet another box office bomb from Arnold Schwarzenegger" or similar; and that's not exactly going to be beneficial to his movie career is it? Just wait and see! ;-D

It's more important how his next projects like terminator do that will count.

At least on this we can agree! :-D



He is one of the producers of this film, meaning he wanted this movie to get made, if it's coming out of his own pocket.

I think he'll have a future in independent films if mainstream Hollywood rejects him. They're less gossipy and more receptive towards most movies. And he's freaking rich from his early action heydays + governor days + business ventures, so it's not like he's desperate for the money.

If anything, sheetsadam is right in saying he has nothing left to prove, except possibly that he loves making movies. So we will definitely see more of him in the future. If "Legend of Conan" can be made and made well, I won't care about whether his next movie tanks or breaks the bank, as its all said and done.


If you talk about a flop as in pure box office dollars then yes, Maggie may well be near the bottom of Arnie's pile... however...

What Arnold may have been thinking is that many of his recent films since his return haven't been financial successes. Being a part of a $8 million film means it will likely be profitable simply on the international sales to distributors alone - even if it goes direct to DVD. Now that a larger studio has picked it up it may get a moderate theatrical release making a box office flop seem remote.


Biggest flop? Guess you were lucky enough not to The Last Action hero.


A good horror movie does not have rely on guts and gore to be scary (although it does help) sometimes subtlety can be very scary. It worked well for movies like The Exorcist and The Shining, classic horror movies with very little body counts. And besides, PG movies aren't the same as they use to be. If Wolverine can tell people to "F" themselves then I wouldn't worry bout the rating.


This movie isn't actually a "horror" movie. It's not about zombies going after human brains. It's about how Maggie (Breslin) becomes a zombie and how Wade (Arnold) helps her deal with the transformation, how he protects her, and how he deals with it. The original screenplay was more focused on Maggie's perspective of the transformation, but it looks like they changed it to be more Arnie-centric.

This is very different from Arnold's usual role, and I can't wait to see how it plays out.


Hey. The Last Action Hero was and is a highly underrated comedy / action parody.


Now you spell out the possibilities for this premise, this might actually be an interesting take on the zombie genre. I am now looking forward to this movie.

Thank you ScienceGuy.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


There's Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, for once I'd like to see something different. Maybe Evolution of the Dead. I was never a big fan of zombie movies because they all just seem the same to me, a small group of survivors against a large number of zombies, blah blah blah. How about a movie where zombies begin to increase in intelligence, or zombies who mysteriously begin to regain their old memories, and be very dramatic and serious about it. Warm Bodies was a comedy, so that don't count. If Christopher Nolan made a zombie movie, then that would be the kind of zombie movie I'd like to see


Agree with MovieKnut. Nothing more to add.




Jingle all the Way and Junior were some serious FLOPS. Either way, won't be long before Triplets is released which is the newest big FLOP.


I love Jingle All the Way,that is some of Arnold's best acting

I am fire... I am... death!



Well then the budget for this is listed at $8 M, so there's no way it will even be close to a flop since even if it makes something insignificant like $3 M, the differences of $5 million isn't much.


Just because a movie flops financially that doesn't make it a bad movie, it just means that not too many people we're interested in seeing it, but that doesn't make it a bad movie. The 6th Day was fairly successful, no where near as successful as Terminator 2 or other Arnold movies, but can hardly be called a flop. Collateral Damage was a flop, but a rather enjoyable one. The thing is 9/11 had just happened, terrorism was a really touchy subject at the time, and this heavily affected the promotion and release of the movie as releasing right after 9/11 would have been highly inappropriate. As for Maggie, people shouldn't be so quick to assume it will flop. Don't get me wrong, I've never liked Zombie movies that much, as they're more clichéd ridden than any other horror genre, but the fact that this is a zombie with a plot that doesn't involve a small band of survivors waging war against a whole population of zombies in a post apocalyptic wasteland (as most of them have), instead having a real human story, and that it stars Arnold in what is said to be a more dramatic role than he's done before, in a genre we've barely seen him in before (End of Days is more action than horror in my opinion)is enough to interest me in seeing it, and it might do the same for others. Besides, he's just doing what so many other actors do, he's trying something new instead of repeating himself, and you got to give him credit for that.



My toughts on it?

You never had salt poured in your eyes.
