The Blandman

Gotham, the city where everybody is a lame shooter, and whose streets are prowled by The Blandman... the slothful superhero, who never scratches his ass, because the itch is gone before his hand reaches it.

You know, Nolan ruined not only Batman but many other superhero movies, because wanted to make them realistic and in the process made them absurd. The Dark Knight Rises likely will never be outcringed. The Batman (2022) only managed to be extremely boring generic crime thriller with miscast actors, and I'm saying this as somebody who in the past week had to endure "American Honey" and "Kind of Kindness" - at least they were trying to be different.


You are wrong.

I read a lot of comics when I was younger and they were intense dramas that stretched over many titles and were engrossing. That's why people love comics.

They are not fun and lighthearted but intense dramas with characters who have a lot of personality.

Batman is a tortured and intense person who is a genius.

If you watch Sherlock Holmes shows/movies the British tend to make them complex because they are a tribute to their culture. They don't make silly Holmes shows.

In the comics, Batman is a science fiction ninja, Holmes. Thus far, we have not had a good Batman film because one or more of those elements is always missing.


You must be talking about The Dark Knight Returns and Year One era. Before that, Batman was always campy. And neither the Nolan movies nor the Pattyson movies are “intense dramas,” they’re just dumb action movies lol


Not a fan of the Nolan movies, but your contention that Batman was "always campy" is flatly Wrong. He started out as an intensely grim character, then went through many, Many iterations. . .not surprising, for a decades-long series of stories by a WIDE range of creators. When Miller got ahold of him, he wasn't "campy," but TDKR was so radically dark it made the stories at the time seem less so. Shrug. People tend to forget it was an Elseworlds, anyway. . .but that's a whole nother story.


any examples of this the character being “intensely grim”? Sure he was a noir-themed detective, but other than that the stories seemed pretty straightforward and in line with most other hard boiled stories of the era. It was only in the 80s that they made it dark and grim. I mean, it’s about a guy running around in a batsuit with his underwear on the outside, superheroes are inherently campy af and are mostly meant for children. I think thats why superheroes mostly don’t really work as films either. Other than Superman ‘78 which purposefully played up the camp factor and sense of idealism, they’re mostly shit and boring.


Your opinions on the genre aside, the history of Batman is readily available online. From his very conception, it'd be hard to conceive of a More grim character. His parents are murdered in front of him as a child, and he makes a vow to spend the rest of his life avenging them by becoming the scariest, most accomplished human being on the planet.

His first stories feature werewolves, vampires, killer clowns, and assorted other grotesqueries. He carried a gun initially; he KILLED people in his early stories. It's only MUCH later that the camp crept in; mostly as a result of the famous TV show. It's worth noting that this period (late 50's - early 60's) was followed by a series of (often SEVERE) thematic changes. The work of Neal Adams, Jim Aparo, Marshall Rogers, etc, etc. . .ALL of it is as far from "camp" as it gets.

Bottom line: you seem to have a very narrow view of the character in particular, and comics in general. It's flawed, and again, not to put too fine a point on it: Wrong. Sorry, but these are simple facts.


I found that my appreciation for this film increased dramatically when viewed as a detective movie, rather than a super-hero/action movie.


He doesn't solve any riddles until it's too late does he?


Only saw it twice so my recall is hardly 100%, but if he had, I'm not sure if that would have had any bearing on my appreciation of the film.


most boring batman movie ever made.

dark knight is very flawd but at least its not a snoozefest like this was


This was not a snoozefest. Not enough special effects for you .huh?? Or stupid 4th wall breaking Bullshit and stupid one liner comedy shit..


The Batman was way better than Nolans shit. Also no one wants Batman to be silly or over cgi'ed like your MCU bullshit. It was a great film best Batman since Keatons.


It was boring and stale, the only good part was Zoe Kravitz, the rest was a shaggy dog story about how Gotham city engineers suck


You are correct!

Boring ass movie.

To top it off, Pattman was completely useless.

Riddler was five steps ahead the entire way.

Pattman accomplished nothing except weakly beating on some low-rent thugs.
