Not impressed

I watched about an hour of this film last night. What's up - The Riddler is now a sadistic killer? Plus that may be the most ridiculous costume (The Riddler) I've ever seen. And Zoe Kravitz, couldn't Matt Reeves have done better casting wise? And now I guess Bruce Wayne is nuts, too. The only thing I thought was on point was Colin Farrell as The Penguin. The rest of "The Batman" - I wasn't impressed. One hour was enough.


The only thing I liked about the movie is that Batman solving Riddler's riddles ultimately led to him just being another pawn in Riddler's scheme. That's just the sort of dumb ass mistake a young Batman would make and never let happen again.


The twist was that Batman actually low key agrees with the Riddler. They are both vigilantes and consumed with anger and revenge.

He kinda knows he's helping the Riddler but he does it anyway.

It's spelled clearly on the deleted scene with the Joker. It was so clearly spelled they had to cut the entire scene because it would just ruin the mystery.


I watched another half hour of it last night. I'm finding it very hard to finish. I don't like what Reeves did with The Riddler. Zoe Kravitz was miscast. And Peter Saarsgard, its probably the worst acting performance Ive ever seen out of him. Pattinson is ok as The Batman. Serkis is tolerable as Alfred. I'm going to have to push myself to finish the entire film.


Bruce Wayne has been considered emotionally unbalanced and obsessive for years. I'm not sure how this version is any more "nuts" than any prior depictions.


You know I actually agree with you. All versions I know of (aside from Adam West's 1960s version) portray Bruce Wayne as (if nothing else) a bit off.


-Dumb Riddler costume
-Borin cluez, not smart at all
-Too long
-Borin Batman
-Batman vs nobodiez in final battle (talk bout char dev)

Only savin grace is Zoe catwoman which I approve


Yeah, just wanted to add one more thing as I'm done with "The Batman" (incidentally I didn't finish it) - it was too dark. Meaning the cinematography. Some darkness is fine but in this movie about 95% of it is in the dark.
