CBM fans are such GIANT SHEEP…
…CBM fans are such gian! shee! that will eat up the new shiny thing and trash the older version of the character no matter what.
I remember after Christopher Nolan’s first two Batman movies came out, it was so cool to bash the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher anthology of Batman films and so many people swore up and down that Christopher Nolan’s version of Batman was the first real live-action version of Batman and that his interpretation of the character would never be topped. Than The Dark Knight Rises (2012) came out which splitted comic book movie fans…and load and behold…it suddenly became more cool to criticize Christopher Nolan’s Batman and it was cool to like Tim Burton’s Batman again…then the Ben Affleck version came out and Christian Bale’s Batman was considered even more inferior due to the Ben Affleck version…
…and now everyone hates Ben Affleck’s Batman and all of Ben Affleck’s fans are embarrassed to admit they ever liked his Batman and of course…there are a lot of idiots who think that Nolan’s Batman all of sudden sucked and Robert Pattinson’s Batman is the “real” Batman.
I just wish CBM fans had MUCH MORE sentimentality when it comes to these comic book flicks. Just goes to show that the superhero movie fanbase has always been a joke and I can’t wait for the day people turn on Robert Pattinson’s Batman once his films have finished coming out and a new live-action version of Batman comes out after.