Anybody have The Batman in their top 10 favorite \ best CBMs of all time?
Anybody have The Batman in their top 10 favorite\best CBMs of all time?
I currently have it ranked in my top 20 but I'm looking forward to watching it again when it comes out on HBO Max, I'm sure my opinion and ranking will change with another couple viewing although I'm not sure if I'll like it more or less...
my top 20-
1. The Avengers -10/10
1. The Dark Knight -10/10
1. Logan -10/10
^3 way tie for #1 ...I think Avengers is my favorite but I consider all 3 to be equally great
4. Joker-9.5/10
5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier -9.5/10
6. Avengers: Infinity War -9.4/10
7. Captain America: Civil War -9.3.10
8. Avengers: Endgame -9.2/10
9. Guardians of the Galaxy -9/10
10. Deadpool -9/10
11. Iron Man -9/10
12. Blade II -9/10(Criminally underrated)
13. Hellboy -9/10(Criminally underrated)
14. Thor -9/10(I'm in the minority here I know)
15. Zack Snyder's Justice League -8.5/10(somewhere in here might be a top 5 CBM... Someone needs to cut out about 45 mins of overstuffed footage and this would be IMO possibly a top 5 CBM.)
16. 16. Man of Steel -8.5/10(This movie has some big problems but I can over look them)
17. Batman Begins-8.5/10
18. The Dark Knight Rises-8/10
19. Dredd-8.5/10(Criminally underrated)
20. The Batman-7.5/to 8/10