MovieChat Forums > The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Discussion > Can we all agree that it was a mistake t...

Can we all agree that it was a mistake to reboot the older series?

Now that we are passed two series and heading for a 3rd one in less than 10 years, it's safe to say that it was the most stupid-idiotic-brainless decision to reboot the older series, especially when the 3rd movie was the biggest film in the franchise.
I never thought that the Spider-Man character would suffer the same fate of "The Hulk" in having 3 recasting in short period of time, not to mention after the first 2 films of the original films are consider the best in the genre.

I keep thinking who the hell made the decisions over there at Sony should get his ass kicked for approving this unworthy reboot, but then I see the emails and it all makes sense.
This series short run was mostly by incompetent people who had no idea where to take this series from. They got the wrong people for the job, who had no experience with this character and genre and simply handed it to their incompetent hands. A falling snowball made of crap.

So, other than a minor group fanbase of Webbies, can we all agree that this series is a stain in the character's legacy (both cinematic and comic book) and all nod to approval that this was a waste of time, effort, money and was an idiotic decision to make? Especially after such a great and successful series as the Raimi one.



Yes it was a mistake to reboot it only after 5 years. if they would have waited at least 15 years then the film would have at least felt more fresh since a decade would have past.

But what your saying about how it was a complete waste of time I agree to a certain extent. If you are a Spiderman fan then you probably would appreciate a new take on him even if it was not all that unique.


We all more than agree with that at this point.


I understand that SONY had to make a Spiderman Movie by 2012 or the franchise went back to Marvel,and no studio wants to lose a valuable franchise;but they should have just continued the Raimi Spiderman even if you did have to recast. Going for a total reboot was a mistake.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson


A sequel with a whole new cast since everyone left, with stuff in the past alluded to vaguely, would be practically a reboot though.

Sort of like how Bond films used to work. Still, better than retreading stuff.


Or they should've given Raimi another year to find the prefect script and delayed the movie until 2012 (which they ended up doing anyway). Part of the reason he left was because they were rushing him to make the May 6, 2011 deadline when he wasn't even close to being ready.


No. We all can't.



I had no problem with a new director and cast but giving us another origins story so soon was pointless. Garfield was a terrible choice.


I'm pretty sure we can. I'm also pretty sure that if Sony could go back to 2010 and do it all over again they would have pressed on with Spider-Man 4 and 5 with Raimi and Maguire.

The whole point of the reboot was to make the movies cheaper but they ended up costing $200+ million each (essentially the same budgets the Raimi films had). So they still spent stupid amounts of money on making Spider-Man films only to have them make less money than what the Raimi films were. It was a complete mistake on their part that most likely cost them money when all is sad and done. At least it taught them (and hopefully other studios) that you just can't ****can an entire continuity on a whim and crap out a reboot and expect the same results as before.


So agree. Why not leave Raimi alone? What resulted was two movies of crap.


It's hard to say. Spider-Man 3 left the series and characters in a really bad place (Peter having gone very egotistical and then emo-dancer and then hit his girlfriend, the film emphasizing how much the series was all about a girl and Harry too, Sandman having killed Ben and Spider-Man letting him get away).
But there wasn't a lot of interest in watching a slightly-different origin again (heck, it was written mostly by people who would have written SM4) or especially in doing the Osborn story but not really or by TASM2 making it again heavily about a love story. Rebooting yet again (based on the idea that the character is best only when extremely young?) seems like a worse idea and I'm not sure how the next director is less competent than Webb or Sargent or Vanderbilt.
