MovieChat Forums > The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Discussion > Can we all agree that it was a mistake t...

Can we all agree that it was a mistake to reboot the older series?

Now that we are passed two series and heading for a 3rd one in less than 10 years, it's safe to say that it was the most stupid-idiotic-brainless decision to reboot the older series, especially when the 3rd movie was the biggest film in the franchise.
I never thought that the Spider-Man character would suffer the same fate of "The Hulk" in having 3 recasting in short period of time, not to mention after the first 2 films of the original films are consider the best in the genre.

I keep thinking who the hell made the decisions over there at Sony should get his ass kicked for approving this unworthy reboot, but then I see the emails and it all makes sense.
This series short run was mostly by incompetent people who had no idea where to take this series from. They got the wrong people for the job, who had no experience with this character and genre and simply handed it to their incompetent hands. A falling snowball made of crap.

So, other than a minor group fanbase of Webbies, can we all agree that this series is a stain in the character's legacy (both cinematic and comic book) and all nod to approval that this was a waste of time, effort, money and was an idiotic decision to make? Especially after such a great and successful series as the Raimi one.


Yeah but the Garfield Spider-Man made corny jokes and he sat on the kitchen counter drinking a soda....just like a real teenager. Plus the Garfield movies were more new and more current. So that alone makes them superior to anything. Plus the world was really different in 2002, I can't relate to a 2000s Spider-Man, I need somebody from 2012-2014 that has an iphone. Garfield makes corny jokes and he sits on a kitchen counter, AND he skateboards, hell yeah!!

Obviously I am being sarcastic and just making fun of the idiotic generally middle school/high school age defenders of the ASM movies.

Yes it was stupid idea to reboot Spider-Man in 2010, only 3 years after the last film with Tobey and Raimi. They made a dumb call and they have embarrassed themselves with one mediocre movie, one disaster of a movie and the rest of their movies being cancelled.


The reboot did a lot of things wrong, but rebooting wasn't necessarily a mistake.

Raimi and his people quit. It was over for them. Where did that leave Sony?

But not all reboots mean getting into detail with the origin, like how the Norton Hulk just had a montage in the opening credits. They could have done that instead and jumped to an adult Spider-Man - married, even.



Eh, no. The emails already showed what has been known and curtain behind the curtains. TASM series had no future and it was known to the producers and executives long before the hacking even happened.


It was a mistake to reboot the series with James Vanderbilt's terrible script and later with Kurtzman and Orci's terrible script. A movie is only as good as its script its given.


I think it was a mistake to reboot it so soon. It split the fan base for one thing, and another origin story so soon just felt like they were rehashing stuff. Compare say Batman Begins with the original Batman. Same character but different approach. And then watch Uncle Ben's hilarous attempt not to say "With great power" etc in ASM1.

And I for one am delighted Marvel have Spidey back. Here's hoping they do a good job.

Have they started sawing the woman in half yet?


Yes, any sane person now knows it was a huge mistake to take the reigns away from Raimi. Live and learn.


I really wanted Marvel and co. to continue where Sam, Tobey and Kirsten left off. That's the more legit Spider-Man franchise at this point. I don't want another fcking origin story.

