The ending with Gwen and with Peter crying... wow (spoiler-ish)
I'm a fan of both Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield and I love their chemistry as Peter and Gwen. I just saw this movie for the first time the other day and I have to say that the scene where Gwen dies and Peter cries and holds her was probably one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen on screen in quite a while. It didn't seem like the typical "Hollywood crying" scene where there is only a few tears and maybe a few cries out. Nope, he balled like a baby. You could literally feel his pain and it seemed pretty realistic. Of course the fact that Andrew and Emma are a couple in real life probably helped with making the pain seem real as it might have been hard for him to do that scene.
Anyway just thought I would mention that. I have seen only a handful of films that have had crying scenes that seem fairly authentic. And now this might be one of them too. At least in my opinion.