MovieChat Forums > Dirty Grandpa (2016) Discussion > Cant believe this isnt rated higher.....

Cant believe this isnt rated higher.....

If I would have gone by IMDB ratings on this one I would have regretted it .This movie is easily a 6.8 by the end. The bad reviews on this movie screams of payoffs for some odd reason. Its a Saturday night leave your brain at the door buddy movie.

I sense cult status on this movie one day, too many memorable lines. Effron was fine, he made fun of himself to the extreme, what else can you ask for.

De niro was better in this than the Fockers movies.

I can see how some people would not like this movie but the worst movie of all time? I am just baffled at the negative reviews. It is worth the price of admission. Its better than the Hangover 2 or 3.

If its not your cup of tea just give it a 5 and be on your way.


I agree. I wasn't expecting much from the reviews and I left with a smile on my face.


I thought it was funny too.

7/10 for an R rated comedy.


It deserves a lot better


"He looks like Abercrombie fúcked Fitch"

"J Crew Jayed off on his face"

Are you not entertained?!



The people who gave this movie bad reviews were probably gay or black or female. There were lots of jokes that would have been insulting if you were one or more of those three things.

I however am none of those things so I found it funny. 7/10


The people who give this bad reviews are people with no sense of humor. If only they'd given it a title that would've let people that are easily offended know what was coming their way.....

"Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be....NOT magic." -Tim Minchin


Best comedy I wantched the last few years, not a masterpiece or anything but gave it an 8 for what it is. But hell, my favorite comedy of all time is Norbit...


lovely comments... the people who rated it are gay, or females. Makes for more than 50% of the world population, no?


my favorite comedy of all time is Norbit...

This was a joke, right?


No it was not, it was funny as hell, I still roll around in laughter after watching it a dozen times. Oh wait was I supposed to not like it because YOU don't?


"My favorite comedy of all time is Norbit"

Just to be clear, this is the sentence you just said in total seriousness?


You are not the first person to tell me this! I am going to watch it today.
