Scene with Mariette, Joi and K
This scene always bugged me - Did Joi invite Mariette in to K's apartment to suprise him or since Mariette planned to put a tracer on K, did she approach Joi to arrange some kind of replicant/hologram 3-way?
shareThis scene always bugged me - Did Joi invite Mariette in to K's apartment to suprise him or since Mariette planned to put a tracer on K, did she approach Joi to arrange some kind of replicant/hologram 3-way?
shareJoi initiated it feeling K deserved a "real girl" and this was the only way she could be real, and sensed K was attracted to Mariette. That she did initiate it is evident by her telling Mariette "You can go now. I'm done with you" coldly.
I agree with this assessment, but it does raise the question of the tracker - how did the powers that be know she was to be invited?
In fact, this could imply that the powers that be were actually in full control of Joi, but only delicately manipulated her actions to make things go the way they wanted. This makes her final 'execution' all the more cruel.
Pay close attention to the scene where Luv kills Lt. Joshi...that's when Luv finds out where K went, using Joshi's corpse on face recognition technology.