Surprisingly not woke! Quite the opposite
Lesbian becomes straight and the white male is actually a good guy for once.
shareLesbian becomes straight and the white male is actually a good guy for once.
shareYeah! Loved it!
shareActually, there's line toward the end of the movie where the older Aubry Plaza character mentions having a girlfriend. A quick throwaway line most will barely notice, while still enough to sooth the fragile, insecure egos of whiny internet lesbians who can claim victory over the fact that the older version of the protagonist ends up with a woman, therefore her lesbianism "wins" in the end, which means they also somehow "win".
shareI don't find woke/not-woke discussions especially productive but I was a little incredulous at the film's premise that a very small, rural community would have at least 4, similarly-aged out lesbians in it. I'd guess instead that a typical trajectory for a young LBGT person in such a small community would be to have to move to a city or a college town to find that many people like themselves.
That is, a more realistic Elliott would have 'finding same-age LBGT friends and romantic partners' as part of her explicit motivation for heading off to the University of Toronto. The film's premise thus felt a little LBGT-wish-fulfillmenty to me, which may be part of what some people call 'woke'.
Never head of bisexuals, dumbass?
shareThank God. A movie we can finally watch because it's not woke. I was beginning to wonder if another one would ever be made again.