Several Plot Holes?

Now I may be wrong about these and I would love someone to explain it to me, but there's several things about this movie I just don't get..

1. Chris, Marty and Philip weren't trying to frame Vincent for MURDER, so what exactly were they trying to frame him for? Being present during a suicide? Is that a crime, and is it worth the risk of this elaborate obstruction of Justice?

2. Presumably by the end of the film the police know EVERYTHING that happened, so surely all four of these guys, save possibly Vincent, would be in jail.. They tried to frame a man..

3. Is Phillip just supposed to be stupid enough to think that cutting a girls wrist like that hours after she dies from an overdose will look like she did it herself?... I guess he is..

4. What exactly was on those dvds the cops had, Vincent sleeping with all their wives? That would incriminate them wouldn't it..

5. Was that supposed to be Anne they saw over the balcony leaving the building after they got buzzed from the estate agent? I'm sure this isn't a plot hole, just something I didn't understand..

Can anyone help explain this stuff to me?


None of those are actually plot holes.

1) They were framing him to extremely F* up his life as payback

2) Again, not a plot whole but yes while maybe not in jail they would have major legal issues, even in the 6 month jump forward

3) How does that even come close to a plot hole and you even answered it yourself. He was a coked up idiot.

4) Vincent only slept with Eric Martys wife. The DVDs were more likely all the other affairs Vincent had.

5) It was an actual estate agent. Luke did call them



Here is how it was supposed to look:

Vincent is a creep who cheats on his wife and records his sexual conquests with other women. He slept with this one girl and she committed suicide and handcuffed herself to him. Vincent is in sole control of the loft.

The other guys don't know about it, there was no evidence of recordings of him and the wives.

So they hoped Vincent would lose his friends, his wife, everything while they continue.

However, its all really stupid and breaks down when we realize these wives KNEW they had sex with him at the loft and once questioned by the cops would realize their husbands knew they cheated and perhaps even killed a woman, so they would easily tell the cops about their affairs when pressed, and all the guys would have gone down no matter what.

So, it was pretty interesting for what it was. Whatever.


Vincent is a creep who cheats on his wife and records his sexual conquests with other women. He slept with this one girl and she committed suicide and handcuffed herself to him. Vincent is in sole control of the loft. The other guys don't know about it, there was no evidence of recordings of him and the wives. So they hoped Vincent would lose his friends, his wife, everything while they continue.

Yes, we got that, but what was never explained is why would any of that be illegal. Hmmm... no, it was explained (sort of). His friends intended to embarrass and scr*w him over, not put him in jail. The cops pressed him repeatedly to confess (before revealing it was a murder rather than a suicide), not to be being drugged and being beside he during her suicide (that would make him a victim and a witness rather than a perpetrator), as we were led to believe until the murder reveal, but to murdering her.

I suppose it was intentional to have us baffled about why on earth it would be illegal and he would need to... confess to being drugged, cuffed and remaining unconscious while Sarah was slicing her wrists, have us wonder "Confess to what exactly, to being an unconscious witness?" and then eventually reveal she was murdered. Yes, it was a twist, not a plot-hole.

An interesting after credits point would be if cutting open the wrists of someone you think is dead will be regarded by the court as murder (in what, the second degree?) or involuntary manslaughter. It is certainly not voluntary manslaughter, because that's an intentional but heat of passion - full of rage killing. I think it is an involuntary manslaughter, which is a misdemeanor or at most a low level felony, because all its 3 criteria are satisfied in this case :

1. Someone was killed as a result of act by the defendant.
2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.
(the third is also covered because he didn't know but he should have known, it's a case of extreme negligence)
In other words Philip will get 5 years max.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


Uhhh who said any of it was supposed to be illegal?

Again, let me point you to what I said:

So they hoped Vincent would lose his friends, his wife, everything while they continue.

He was going to be all alone, humiliated. That's what they wanted.


4. What exactly was on those dvds the cops had, Vincent sleeping with all their wives? That would incriminate them wouldn't it..

No, Vincent went with Chris (the shrink)'s girlfriend (before she was his girlfriend), Philip's sister (that Philip had some incest-ish feelings for) but only with Marty(the fat guy)'s wife.
Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


There's a couple of plot holes in my opinion, but not the ones you mention (which others have already answered). The first one is the suicide note. Why didn't they leave it by the bed? They all (except Luke) thought it to be genuine, and they just wanted to throw Vincent in there as well to save their own skins, and to scandalize Vincent as revenge for what he had done against them. Chris (thought he) had the note in his pocket, so when exactly was he going to turn that over? And what was the plan there, "oh yeah, sorry but I forgot, also we found this note which I took from the scene, here you go officer"? That was really the only thing saying this was a suicide made by Sarah and not a murder by Vincent.

Another hole is how the police could have bought that Sarah could have done this physically - cuffing herself to the bed, slitting her wrist, writing the phrase, and then cuffing herself to Vincent. Some serious acrobatics especially while gushing blood. That should have been the giveaway for the police, not the hesitation cuts. And why didn't the friends remove the handcuffs after Vincent was put in the bed? They throughly cleaned the place afterwards, the could had taken some effort to make the "dual suicide"-scene more believable, especially by placing the note in plain sight.


Those aren't plot holes

1. In the heat of the moment Chris forgot to place the note. He didn't realize he forgot until the female cop tells him there's no suicide note. They show a brief scene with him searching the loft for the note and then realized the geeky guy took it.


There is a plot hole (only the second one)

You shall not pass !!!!


I still dont understand how anyone would believe Vince would sleep with Marty's wife. Wouldn't he sleep with Chris's angry wife? That makes more sense. Bc he slept with his half sister, his mistress, so why not through in Allison too?

The standoff at the end should've been between Vince and Chris, maybe?
I like Wentworth but, he just didn't sell Luke enough for me.


1. Chris, Marty and Philip weren't trying to frame Vincent for MURDER, so what exactly were they trying to frame him for? Being present during a suicide? Is that a crime, and is it worth the risk of this elaborate obstruction of Justice?

- If they all called the police than it would be known that they were in on The Loft, and their wives and everyone would find out. They framed the suicide on Vincent, so it's clear it's just him involved and they can deny that they share the Loft as it's just in Vincent's name.

2. Presumably by the end of the film the police know EVERYTHING that happened, so surely all four of these guys, save possibly Vincent, would be in jail.. They tried to frame a man..

- They didn't try to frame Vincent for murder though, and since Chris & Marty didn't know at the time that Luke drugged Sarah and she wasn't dead until Phillip cut her they didn't really do anything. Vincent was never going to get jail time as it was a suicide.

3. Is Phillip just supposed to be stupid enough to think that cutting a girls wrist like that hours after she dies from an overdose will look like she did it herself?... I guess he is..

-She just did a bunch of Coke before hand so probably wasn't thinking clearly, and was upset about his sister still so he over reacted, so yes he was really stupid.

4. What exactly was on those dvds the cops had, Vincent sleeping with all their wives? That would incriminate them wouldn't it..

- They showed that Luke threw away the three DVDs where he was sleeping with their wives, sisters and lovers. They only kept the DVDs of him sleeping with other girls, and made it look like Vincent filmed them.

5. Was that supposed to be Anne they saw over the balcony leaving the building after they got buzzed from the estate agent? I'm sure this isn't a plot hole, just something I didn't understand..

-Yes it was her, I'm assuming Chris told her about the situation and asked her to come up and say the name Sara which would lead to Vincent confessing he knows her, and was their last night.


The biggest plot hole was Luke dropping his shopping and acting horrified when he arrives at the loft.

He already knows what's going on so who is he acting for?

Framing Vincent for "being present during a suicide" was also moronic especially when they cut her wrist and wrote creepy Latin on the bed. The police would instantly have smelt foul play (unless they thought she could slit her wrist (with only one hand) then spend her final moments writing some mildly flawed Latin... also with just one hand).



unless they thought she could slit her wrist (with only one hand) then spend her final moments writing some mildly flawed Latin... also with just one hand).

I would like to see you cutting your wrist or writting while using two hands
