Plot Hole

Spoiler Warning!

Okay, just saw this. If I have this right, at the end it is revealed that all 4 guys except Vincent are in the Loft in the morning and think there is a dead girl laying on the bed with a bunch of pills all around. Luke thinks he killed her the night before but is leading the other 3 to believe she committed suicide. He then shows the other three the DVDs he took of Vincent having sex with their wives so they will want to hatch a plot to make it look like Vincent is connected with her death. So they all agree that Phillip will cut her up, they will drug Vincent, and then handcuff him to the bed so he is connected with her death. (Unbeknownst to the other 3, Luke is going to make it look like Vincent murdered her by getting rid of the "suicude" note he had faked up. The other 3 just think Phillip will be connected to a suicide.) Phillip being the sadistic guy he is goes wild with the slashing.

But then it turns out she isn't really dead when Phillip slashes her, so Phillip actually killed her.

There is big plot problem with this. Surely these guys (who all seemed fairly intelligent) would have known she wasn't dead. A dead body would be cold, and rigor mortis would have set in. Of course, if she had been dead, there would be no bleeding when her wrists were cut. The movie wants you to think these 4 guys all thought you can cut the wrists of someone who has been dead for hours and make it look like she bled to death.

Admittedly, I may have missed something.


She was in a coma due to low sugar and drugs. Luke set everything up and the rest believed she is dead. Phillip was on drugs. After that she was really dead...


In a dead body, if there is no wound in the walls of the blood vessel, the blood will remain liquid for several days, after which it starts to decompose. The blood in the arteries tends to drain into the capillaries and veins.

Quoted from the website of Medical Casebooks.

A cursory knowledge of common biology will tell you that blood can remain liquid for several days inside the dead body. There's no plot hole in there. Obviously the director did his homework.


That's not a plot hole. That's just the character's ignorance.

However, I had a question as to their original agreed upon plan. What were they planning to do? Just "connect" Vincent to the "suicide"? What does that do? How does that even do anything? What kind of revenge is that? So cops will probably come and see him tied to a girl who "committed suicide". It's not a crime. Maybe it would get released to the media and Vincent's wife would find out. But later, Vincent is obviously gonna be pissed and then rat on all the guys to their wives and tell them that the guys have all been cheating too. How does that give the other 4 guys revenge?

I thought the whole plan would have been more plausible with just framing him with murder and that's the end of the story. Their original plan makes no sense.


A character grabs her arm, and doesn't notice it is still warm? The rise and fall of a chest?

A woman appears to be in a bad way on a bed and no one checks her vitals, not even the psychiatrist? Would anyone reasonable not go to the woman and see if she is okay?

Wouldn't even Luke himself, thorough killer that he is, make sure that he was in fact a killer?

And none of that compares to the massive plot hole that is the movie's very premise...

That they would need to make someone surrounded by pills look more like she killed herself, after Luke had already made her look that way.

And that they would go to the extent of drugging their friend and handcuffing him to the body (and why weren't they all indicted for this) to make it look like he was more involved with the suicide of his girlfriend? He's already going to be looking involved and she already looks like she committed suicide! WTF!?

Laughable premise that Luke could convince them on this.

Or that he would rely on a buyer ringing up with perfect timing so he could steal the note from Chris. The realty thing makes no sense whatsoever.

Just one hole after another.



That they would need to make someone surrounded by pills look more like she killed herself, after Luke had already made her look that way.

Exactly; why would they stage a suicide if they already thought it was a suicide?

And at the party, why would Luke stop the girl from confronting Vince's wife?


Stealing the suicide note concerned me too. If Chris hadn't conveniently forgotten about the note, and had realised it was missing before they all left the 'staged suicide' then Lukes plan would of fallen apart.


(I know it's been 4 years but...)
"A character grabs her arm, and doesn't notice it is still warm? The rise and fall of a chest?" - Phillip was completely off his head on cocaine at the time. I've never been high but I can imagine you wouldn't necessarily notice skin temperature or whether someone you already assume is dead is still breathing when you're high as a kite and about to mutilate her...

"A woman appears to be in a bad way on a bed and no one checks her vitals, not even the psychiatrist? Would anyone reasonable not go to the woman and see if she is okay?" - She was lying completely still in a bed surrounded by pills and with a suicide note. If I saw that, I'd assume she was dead. And it's not inconceivable that Luke may have stopped them getting too close to her under the pretext of not disturbing the body or whatever.

"Wouldn't even Luke himself...make sure that he was in fact a killer?" - This was presumably the only time Luke's killed anyone. Murder didn't exactly seem to come naturally to him considering how clumsy he was with trying to kill Chris. He made an assumption and got it wrong.

"...that they would go to the extent of drugging their friend and handcuffing him to the body (and why weren't they all indicted for this) to make it look like he was more involved with the suicide of his girlfriend?" - It all comes down to the fact that they were all thoroughly pissed off at Vincent and wanted to humiliate him as much as possible given the situation. Once Luke showed them the DVDs, they probably didn't take much convincing. The most they could be charged with would be obstruction of justice and they could easily get past that with a plea deal. Legally, the only ones who did anything worth being charged over are Phillip (murder) and Luke (attempted murder), and Phillip is stated to be in prison at the end.


"Or that he would rely on a buyer ringing up with perfect timing so he could steal the note from Chris. The realty thing makes no sense whatsoever." - Luke was deliberately trying to drive up the tension of the situation as a way of making Vincent panic (and thus increase his suffering), as well as throwing the scent off himself by trying to make it seem as though someone else was responsible for it all. He probably told the buyer to come to the building at a specific time or at least within the boundaries of a specific time ("I'm not going to be around this afternoon so if you could drop by sometime between 10-11..." for example). As for stealing the note, I'm not entirely sure that was planned. It looked more like Luke noticed an opportunity to get the note and made a spur-of-the-moment decision to just take it. I'm sure he always intended to get rid of the note at some point and realised that Chris (1) had taken off his jacket and (2) was sufficiently distracted that he decided to do it there and then.


The whole movie was one plot hole after the other, it was like watching 'the battle of the plot holes' almost (that's not an actual thing but someone watching this movie might turn it into one inspired by the movie)

A wrong decision is better than indecision


I'm sorry. Slap me and call me stupid lol i didn't know the blood wouldn't bleed. She was dead maybe 12 hours max. I would assume if you cut her vein any blood in the vein would bleed out. As far as noticing her breathing... i wouldn't even think about that. Id be too busy freaking out.

The guy who killed her was high when he grabbed her wrist so i can believe he didn't notice. No one else touched her. I thought she was dead.

Only thing i didn't like was that 1. They made him a slimeball sleeping with his friends girls 2. I don't like how dude turned on his best friend over a girl who didn't want him. That was lame. He was preaching faithfulness then he's mad a girl didn't choose him to cheat with? You can't have it both ways. So to me the motive was lame


Only thing i didn't like was that 1. They made him a slimeball sleeping with his friends girls 2. I don't like how dude turned on his best friend over a girl who didn't want him. That was lame. He was preaching faithfulness then he's mad a girl didn't choose him to cheat with? You can't have it both ways. So to me the motive was lame


This turned the movie into a soap opera/lifetime movie. I would have preferred if the wives were behind it all, more predictable, but it would have been more fluid.

The Almighty says "don't change the subject, just answer the fuggin question."


I had assumed the insulin overdose killed her. After all, wasn't that how Claus von Bulow attempted to kill Sunny? But now that I think about it, the insulin only put Sunny in a coma.

That's also why I was confused by all the blood. Dead people don't bleed. So thanks for those insights.

(I have spent way too much time analyzing this unremarkable movie.)
