MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > IS THIS HOW MEN REALLY ARE??!!!


Is this how men really are behind closed doors? If so, I am officially done. I would gladly become asexual.


Is this how men really are behind closed doors? If so, I am officially done. I would gladly become asexual.

I was just as shocked!

Then I watched Gone Girl and was like "Whoa! All wives try to frame their husbands for murder!"

Then I watched Mr and Mrs Smith and was like "Whoa! All married couples are secretly spies!"

Then I watched The Sixth Sense and was like "Wait a minute. I wonder how I'm going to separate the dead from the living. Come to think of it, when was the last time I saw my brother interact with another person other than me?"

Then I watched Transformers and was like "Holy &#$% my car's an alien???"

It's a good thing we watch movies OP. Otherwise we wouldn't understand the real world at all.


If you had ever watched "Groundhog Day" you'd also know that some men who are self-centered live the same day over and over and over for years without really knowing how to get out of that loop! I think I am in the 17th year of my loop. My wife stays 23.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Take a risk, Take a chance, Make a change. Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway


I'm just glad the OP was smart enough to point out that one plot in one random movie is actually representative of the whole. Now I finally understand when watching a movie that whatever the main characters are doing, are accurate portrayals of all people of that gender/race/religion/age group.

Bravo OP! You are truly an intelligent individual!



I agree and I think this is a great place to discuss that a lot of men cheat. I think that was the central message of the movie too. I think this movie was actually made because the fact that a lot of men cheat wasn't too well known until The Loft exposed it, but nothing gets past the OP, who observed that because this fictional movie which used cheating men as an essential plot point, actually portrayed these men as cheaters, that this is how all men really are.

If not for this incredible observation on the OP's part, I would have walked around blindly unaware that all men are cheaters.

I'd like to thank The Loft, and of course the OP, for opening my eyes to the truth.

And to the previous poster, who brilliantly made the observation that cheating is a bad thing. I would have never guessed.



No Dawn, haven't you read my post? I completely agree with you.

I think cheating is bad as well and I feel you've brought up some solid points, such as:

--Cheating hurts people
--Cheating is betrayal of trust
--Cheating is a bad thing
--Cheating is very hurtful
--Trust can be broken when one cheats
--Cheating really is a bad thing

I hate when people try to sensor discussions on message boards and tell me what a movie is and isn't about. It's like how after I watched Carrie, I was so angry at school bullying and how women use telekinesis when they're angry and everyone thought I was dumb. And then I watched Star Wars and was so angry at the lack of decent parenting in the universe. And then I watched The Matrix, which is clearly a movie about drugs, and I was like "Why can't we crack down on the sellers of these pills so you can't just get them on any street corner?" and everyone thought I missed the point and I was like "Movies for intelligent people are supposed to create discussion of any form," and they all shut up because clearly I schooled them.

You and I Dawn...I feel like we're the only two who get it.


Wonder woman,let me spell this out as simplistic as possible. BOTH men and women in long relationships can get the urge to cheat. Men more then women maybe but still both...but here is the kicker; MEN have absolutely *beep* to say about in regards to anything sexual going to happen...unless your mind counts rape as cheating?

WOMEN SELECT THE MALE....yes,as in the wild,yes,as in since the beginning of time. Men want to cheat more,my studies prove so...perhaps partially cause of them being unavailable to at any given time go out and have sex...which an averagelooking female can do.

Unless you´re a superhot or rich or famous man...mostly,all you can do is fantasize. Women act on it more often and here´s another shocker...twice as many men as females confess to infidelity,since it burdens them. Women often lack that feeling of revolutionary road fo more insight. Sarcasm.


some, certainly. some women too. no matter what kind of grouping system you use for people (gender, race, culture, religeon, sexuality, favourite colour, preferred pet...) those groups are likely to contain some decent people and some *beep* it's often easier to make *beep* into an interesting story for fiction though, although the trick is making at least some of them decent enough for the reader/watcher to still care about them...

I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me...


Women do it too. The only difference is men have sex with women just because they like sex, women have sex with men because they want money.


You got half of it right. I don't know what you mean by "want money." You're not going to see married women turning into prostitutes behind their husbands back. The appropriate assessment is this.

Men: Cheat for the fun of it because they want sex and don't care about their wives feelings.
Women: Cheat because they're unhappy with their marriage, have checked out, and are looking for a better relationship to start, or have fallen in love already with another man (although this does certainly apply to guys too).

I like one of the previous poster's assessments too. I think it's funny that people are talking in this thread about how 40-50 year old guys are just swimming in pu--y. That's why so many rich guys, musicians, and athletes are notoriously unfaithful. It's not a moral failure on their part, it's just a lot easier to stay faithful when it's impossible to sleep with women other than women just as old and unattractive as your wife.


Is this how women really are? Hooking up with married men that they just met at a bar?

DEAR MODS: Please reduce my posting quota. 30 minutes is way too much.


Have you already met any man ? How old are you ?


Apparently men and women cheat all the time. It is a sad reality.


Your president Trump is.

('Your' if you are from the US of course)
