Questions (SPOILERs)
1. What happened to the two guys in the "Mystic" "piggyback" sub? I'll guess they just surfaced in the Russian port, but they might've been sunk or shot at by the rogue forces.
2. The Mystic had to be designed to go as deep as the Arkansas, so why would they be "crushed like a beer can" at the same depth where they just left the mother ship?
3. The Russian destroyer captain was also rogue, right? They couldn't fire their missiles without his turning a key or giving a code or something. So how could they fire those missiles at the rogue headquarters? Maybe the crew lied to him about where they were targeted? But he'd probably also have to be involved in retargeting, sooo...
4. Back to sub dynamics. The Arkansas was only on the bottom of the inlet to the Russian base. How could it be deep enough there to start popping rivets and buckling the outer skin? Those subs can dive to at least 1000', probably much farther.
5. Now that I think of it, I believe the pressure bearing surface of a sub is the inner hull, which can't be seen from the outside of the sub due to ballast tanks etc in the void between the outer and inner hull. So you wouldn't see the skin buckling.
6. How could they pass up the temptation to have Gary Oldman give a loud "EVERY-ONE!" ? He was pretty much a wasted talent in this movie. That would've made up for it... somewhat.
I liked the movie, though. Probably never watch it again, though.