upcoming seasons

Whenever the show ends, I feel like an awesome final season would somehow tie the rest together. And it's been said the witches will be seen again.

Beyond that, what might you like to see in a future season?

Personally, I think a combo of a few things they haven't done yet. Give us werewolves in winter/Alaska, during perpetual day/night time. And do away with the soap operatics.


I would like the final (next) season to be a one episode reality special of Ryan Murphy, suspended above a shark tank by his nutsack, pleading us, the viewers, to forgive him for subjecting us to infinity seasons of utter shit.

The twist ending is that they don't drop him in the shark tank, they just roll him up in a rug and drive over him with a steamroller.


I would like a “back to basics” of the first 5 seasons and possibly some returning actors who have been mostly absent from recent seasons such as Evan Peters, Jessica Lang, Dylan McDermott, and Sarah Paulson.
