MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > crappy season.. and aimed only at the US...

crappy season.. and aimed only at the US audience

so far it's just bunch of hysterical people being paranoid and cliche clown gang... so week. There's literally no plot, the only plot is fear and paranoia... Also political and social issues might appeal to US audience and be good representation of current problems, but Europeans for example totally can not connect to this storyline AT ALL... I am just not interested in political crap on a show like this... totally out of place. such a disappointment of a season.. even Evan Peter's character doesn't impress me and that's a first...


In all fairness though, Europe is insignificant compared to the US.


Nice try troll but I'm not biting ;)


I didn't say overall. Personally I love visiting Europe.



Yeah, we don't have a bunch of obese, illiterate, consumer obsessed zombies in Europe. It's actually full of history and culture, unlike the US.


I've visited a lot of countries in Europe numerous times. You're either being disingenuous or you're delusional. I've met a LOT of fat dumb people there and never seen a fear of consumption. Get off your high horse and stop being so sensitive. Oh wait. Were you trying to be sarcastic? If so then spot on mate.


I've visited a lot of countries in Europe numerous times. You're either being disingenuous or you're delusional. I've met a LOT of fat dumb people there and never seen a fear of consumption. Get off your high horse and stop being so sensitive. Oh wait. Were you trying to be sarcastic? If so then spot on mate.


Sure you have!


I relate to Ally and her phobias so much. I'm not living in America.


I meant the intense political part is what I can't relate to.. Trump and politiccs in US is not such a relevant subject to me... p.s. I hope you overcome your phobias!!


Well, in fairness, there are plenty of countries in the world where the political situation is much more volatile, and where people, I am sure, are living in much greater fear of any government changes.


you're missing my point, of course there are much worse places in the world, I wasn't talking about how bad it is, the the backdrop of this show is about US and their climate, people freaking out over Trump election, paranoia, racism mixed in with extreme liberalism, all those things and way of thinking and dramatizing everything- it is SOOOO american, it doesn't appeal to wider audience at all... like it's their mess, someone watching from south america or france or italy or finland probably doesn't feel the subject at all... american political angle is a BIG mistake...


I don't know, I couldn't care less about Trump, and it doesn't prevent me from enjoying the show.


Thanks, I'm struggling.
I am terrified of clowns since I was a baby among other fears I carry on my back, but can't stop watching. Sarah is so good...

But, yeah, Americans may understand better the issues portrayed on this season, however, governments screw us equally everywhere.


Sarah is a BRILLIANT actress! even tho this season isn't sitting well with me her performance is master class. Did you know she has phobias too? In real life? She told them to the producer and he actually wrote in her actual phobias in the show... really brave of her as an actress guess it helps the acting too hehe


Oh, I didn't know that. I started this season knowing nothing about the themes and spoilers. On previous seasons it took some of the excitement down when I got too much info beforehand. Which is your fave Sarah character? Mine are Lana and Cordelia.
I wish Lily Rabe would appear on Cult.


Ok, it's not for you. Don't watch, it's really that simple. You look ridiculous whining about it here. What do you want us to do, beg and convince you to stay?


jesus how am I whining? I was just expressing my opinion about this season cuz I love the show, not whining, I am not the only person that didn't like it in the beginning it's not whining just commenting and saying what you like and don't like. This is the point of the threads!! If you bothered reading the whole thread and my other answers you'd see I actually said it gets better and why I think so... so tired of people commenting on the opening post or headline without reading any other posts and thoughts...


I agree with you regarding the political issue... I am not from the US, I really don't understand all the crying and hysteria because Trump won the elections. I live in a country with a lot of political corruption and after an election sometimes we feel angry or frustrated because the new president is worst that the previous one, but thats drama. Maybe if we talk about a country like Venezuela were there is no food, no medicines, etc I will understand the drama, but in the US? That is my point of view from a foreigner who doesn't live there and don't get yes you are right. This season was made only for US viewers at least with the political theme...the clowns? Maybe they should have chose another ghosts?? Zombies??? Already done...mummys?? Maybe...


Clowns are terrifying! Have you heard about Gacy?
Where do you live? My land (Brazil) is being devastated by corrupt politicians and drug lords.


The same for me..I'm Colombian...:)



I'm from the US and I agree with you about the political slant of this season. It's a little redundant to me because we're currently experiencing President Trump so it's not like this show is adding or deducing anything from that reality.


Absolutely agree on the political angle. I'm from Italy and I'm already fed up enough with the abysmal political climate of my Country to care about USA's. I stopped watching after the premiere since I couldn't care less about americans' (crazy) reactions to the election of Trump. Now more than ever I want my entertainment politics free.


I feel your pain! I AM American and this show is bullsh*t!! this season. I'm sick of Bryan Falchuk political persuasions . He's irritating me so far with this season. In fact, I hated last season but it's far better than this one. I couldn't watch "Hotel".


Cult is killing it. Very good writing and Evan is amazing as Kai.


I'm with you about the political and social angle from this season. I thought the idea was a bit much and too soon to begin with, even for American viewers. Which got surprisingly downplayed a bit after its premiere episode (I hope I'm not too wrong from there afterwards). I actually found the cult idea in itself a little interesting. But it also would depend on how the execution unfolds with that concept for me too. If nothing much came out of this cult idea in the end, then I could agree with you about that too.

Then, of course, what do you really expect to come out of a show called American Horror Story? If I were to watch a program about an Australian horror story, and something about their current politics and social matters seem to surface up a lot in their series, then I could see your overall point. But at the same I could also respect the fact that the program is on a series mostly pertaining to Aussie events, since it is their series to run.


To be fair, it IS called "American Horror Story." But I think I understand what you mean. If it was, say, "French Horror Story" I'd be lost if they were using French politics to fuel the story.

Well they definitely hit the nail on the head with the election crap and horror but for me it's too much to watch it on the show while currently living it. Every other episode has been kind of meh for me so far. I liked the show better before they started linking the seasons together with characters appearing more than once. As much as I like John Carroll Lynch I really don't need to see Twisty ever again.


I hate this season - the devolution of AHS is here and has been starting with "Hotel". Didn't, couldn't watch that crap with Gaga chick. She's a freak IRL. Anyway, this entire season so far is Sarah and that other chick running around and screaming for their kid! Boring
