Season(s) You Can't Rewatch

I tried rewatching Freakshow and I just can't. Too boring.

I literally can't rewatch Hotel. This season was just the worst. Way too try hard.

I feel like I'll try to force myself to rewatch Roanoke, but I don't know if it's something I'll wanna see again. It was hard enough to watch the first time.

Seasons 1-3 I can rewatch all day, especially Asylum.


I haven't rewatched any, and I've been watching since the series started. I like all the seasons well enough, but if I had to rewatch, I may have to start with the ones that bored me a little, to see if my feelings have changed. The candidates for rewatching would be Asylum, Freak Show and Hotel.


The only ones I've re-watched are Murder House and Hotel, and only partially at that (pick and chose my favorite episodes). The other ones were okay during my first viewings but not repeatable at all.


I will never watch Roanoke again, it started out great but got worse as it progressed and the finale is the worst episode of the show ever.
