MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > 6 - Worst season so far. By far

6 - Worst season so far. By far

I cant believe this actually made it past the boardroom brainstorming session.
This could have been a great anthology tv show. after all the promise of the teasers.

This is what you get when you reach later seasons of a show that has run out of ideas.
All the terrible disjointed elements of recycled most haunted/ghost hunter tv, the irritating and overused 'shaky cam' from Blair Witch, and infuriating dragged out 'eye witness' based accounts.
Not homage, Not parody, just multiple formats directly lifted and jammed together. And not in a good way.

Painfully derivative patch work of other peoples ideas but without a coherent story.
Such a shame.


I don't know I found Hotel rather lackluster at times .

I actually preferred this season to Hotel it was more engaging ,intriguing,and consistently twisted.


It was no La La Land, that's for sure.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


i gave up after episode 4 I think. it was baddddddddddd.
_ _ _ _

host, pulease.


But what did you think of La La Land?

Less than forget. But more than begun.


Would you recommend it to someone who doesn't particularly like musicals? The aesthetics of it look great and it has an awesome cast so I might check it out.


Would you recommend it to someone who doesn't particularly like musicals?

Absolutely 100%. I brought my boyfriend who isn't at all a musical fan, and he was standing up and clapping with the rest of us after the opening number.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


I'm up to episode 9, it is easily the worst of all the series, no likeable characters, no drama, no tension, every episode is basically a repeat, leave the house, see something horrible, scream and go back to the house. Or see something horrible in the house, scream and go into another room where the horror will temporarily stop.
Horror story used to have me whacking the next episode on coz I couldnt wait to see what happened.
This one had me struggle to watch the first few episodes then rush out the remaining to get it done with. I only kept with it coz the mrs still wanted to see it through.
Something is missing now and it doesn't feel like ahs anymore, it feels cheap and it misses Langs presence.


Horror story used to have me whacking



I completely agree, it was a boring season, with uninteresting characters, the same things happening over and over again..


I quit watching halfway into last season.

I was considering giving the new season a chance and came here to see if it was any good.

This thread convinced me to give up on this show. Thanks for saving me the pain of trying to watch the new season.

I'm done with this show.


It's very different to the other seasons. You might like it. I thought it was great fun.


absolutely correct analysis -it was such a disappointment.

An intellectual carrot , the mind boggles
