OT: Books!

I've done this thread before, but that was a couple years ago and there are new people and an abundance of books out there. So without further ado, share your favorite books with me!


"The Collector" by John Fowles.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


Sounds terribly interesting.


Are you taking a piss or are you serious? lol

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


Haha noooo, compleeetely serious.

No, really. I am serious. Sounds like an interesting read.


Toooo many to count. But I'll list some of the ones I can never get enough of.

From the New World & Crimson Labyrinth by Yusuke Kishi

Utopia by Thomas More

Andromaque by Jean Racine

Dangerous Liaisons by Chordelos de Laclos

The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho

Ponchos are forever



You're so sophisticated. I love it. Also would like to read Utopia, one of these days.


Sadly I didn’t break time for literature. It’s been all textbook assignment reading for me.

So what else is new?


I do not miss those days.


I hear you. Lol.
I'm a little used to that now since I decided to do this for grad.

So what else is new?
