MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > So where do we rank Roanoke now?

So where do we rank Roanoke now?

For me it's looking like

1. Asylum (B+)
2. Freak Show (B+)
3. Roanoke (B)
4. Coven (C+)
5. Murder House (C)
6. Hotel (C)


I think Roanoke is the worst season of any show I've ever seen!

1 Murder House

2 Freak Show

3 Hotel

4 Asylum

5 Coven

Honestly I can't even put Roanoke at a number at all.... It was unwatchable....and every week I would watch it thinking it would get better? Jokes on me cos it didn't ... I think most of the characters other than the three in the house and the three that played them had a total of two minutes screen time. If Ryan Murphy wants to quit making the show he should...please don't give us another lazy season with lazy writing. Another thing I found interesting was they didn't even go for one hour...past seasons ran around 90 minutes...this season the credits ran on every episode way before the allotted hour was even up...I guess that was a blessing after all..


1. Murder House (A-)
2. Coven (B+)
3. Roanoke (B)
4. Asylum (B)
5. Freak Show (C+)
6. Hotel (D)


1. Murder House
2. Asylum
3. Freakshow
4. Coven
5. Hotel
6. Roanoke


1. Murder House
2. Asylum
3. Hotel
4. Coven
5. Roanoke
6. Freak Show


dead last, not even in the list, in my opinion.


dead last, not even in the list, in my opinion.

That response definitely warranted reviving a month old thread.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


1. Hotel A
2. Coven B
3. Murder house C
4. Asylum C
5. Freak Show D
6. Roanoke F-



In my honest opinion Hotel is a masterpiece in comparison...

My tumblr:


Asylum (A+)
Murder House (A)
Roanoke (B+)
Freak Show (B)
Coven (B-)
Hotel (C+)

I love every season, and have found that I care for Freak Show a lot more than others do. I think the first two seasons are easily the best, with Roanoke a little behind it. Coven and Hotel are a little far off, but not that great where they should be considered bad.

It is going to get wet in here tonight. Lace your boots up, kiddies.


1. Coven (B-)
2. Asylum (B-)
3. Murder House (C+)
4. Roanoke (C-)
5. Hotel (D)
6. Freak Show (D-)
