This is a serious post. Thinking back on Hotel, and knowing what I know now, there's a lot of very disturbing symbolism with how the stolen vampire kids were. Knowing the way Gaga is connected to that messed up artist that's in with Podesta and CO, and with Gaga probably exercising a fair amount of creative power in the process of making that season of AHS, I find it even more revolting to think back of the pedophilia symbolism in that season. Or do you think I'm out on a limb here? The show would probably defend itself saying it's nothing but dark motherly love, which I personally would not buy. These are some very sick people involved by proxy.
...with Gaga probably exercising a fair amount of creative power...
I seriously doubt this. She was lucky she was on the show at that time and probably just ate what she was fed. If she had any choice to edit some things, she should have rewritten some of the terrible lines given to her.
Or do you think I'm out on a limb here?
There was a lot more pedo related stuff in Coven (Frankenkyle and his mom, Madison and Spalding).
The whole Podesta/Abramovic article was one of many fabricated attempts trying to discredit Clinton and link her to some crazy devil/alien/monster cult. It's on par with articles trying to say Obama is a lizard /alien who smells like sulphur. Unfortunately, that is the reality we live in today. People can just take an article full of lies and run with it.
And I do believe Gaga is very involved in the black magic/blood magic scene that is rampant in the entertainment and political circles.
I have the opinion, though, that it is Ryan Murphy who is also very connected to these circles.
The amount of blasphemy in this show really astounds me.
Now I'm certain that much of this is from the adaptation of Dante's Inferno, I also very much believe that it's part of the programming they would like to impart on the viewer.
Every tv show has symbolism, but of course, these darker television shows are more laden with these hidden meanings.
Hotel Cortez really pushed the idea that these well known serial killers did not work on their own. In fact, many of them, once in prison speak of groups of killers who work together.
If you think the comet pizzagate is the treasure trove of secrets I would implore you to research deeper and recognize that there is so much more heinous activity going on right under the American people's noses.
That is actually what intrigued me so about AHS. It's going through-out various eras in American history and uncovering the horrible nature of the blood soaked land, and how the old gods aren't done with us yet, and the people who have the know how are also very aware that these things do in fact exist.
And blood magic/ritual sacrifices figure very heavily in American culture, it's just that most Americans are too busy doing the 9 to 5 to understand or give a damn about it.
Trump and the Clintons probably know that world quite well.
I have the opinion, though, that it is Ryan Murphy who is also very connected to these circles.
I rarely know about specific writers, but just by looking up his memo, his greatest hits in terms of writing - DAMN. He fits the memo, that's for sure.
And yes, the amount of blasphemy is astounding. I'm an atheist, but this last year I've learned to appreciate European Christendom. And I've gained insight into the fact that Jews are organized in the effort to try to discredit Christianity and lead people into culturally Marxist and communist lines of thought, and one of the steps is removing religious sentiment. Knowing that simple fact ought to be enough for any red blooded European to strongly oppose their blasphemy.
And just look at the pattern of these indulgent hedonistic shows, like Penny Dreadful. Christianity is drowned out in a bunch of feces, demonic possessions, and slander. But then there's a couple scenes where they involve Judaism in rituals to oppose evil, and this is always done in a super respectful manner. The guy putting on the Rabbi clothes never gets covered in vomit or gets possessed or begin to masturbate insanely. With no exception to be found, shows like these are written by Jews of a very malicious agenda.
If you think the comet pizzagate is the treasure trove of secrets I would implore you to research deeper and recognize that there is so much more heinous activity going on right under the American people's noses.
Oh God, I know. I've had the same thoughts myself. Whatever that gets leaked, including stuff like Pizzagate which is one of the biggest scoops of all time, we think that that's how deep that it goes, that it's the full extent of these monsters. That's nothing. A little pedophile pizza place where these Satanic/Ancient Hebrews go to do their rituals and rape children and get high on hallucinogens, that's merely scraping the surface. Our minds are blown by a simple leak like that. The real truth if the veil was totally lifted, I bet most people wouldn't be able to accept it as true. It's simply too alien to them. That the corruption and madness and evil could run so deep.
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John Logan is a Jew? I know jesus was one. What tv show did he write?
I'm sure you can find an occasional non-Jew writer involved on these shows but they'll often be crypto-Jews or shills. John Logan looks like he could have some Jewish ancestry. I meant that there's no show like Penny Dreadful where Jewish writers are not involved, having a prominent role in the making of the show.
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I find it astounding that a self confessed atheist who has found a respect for christianity and despises blasphemy is suddenly blaspheming Judaism. What next - Islam? You know that the Abrahamic religions are all based on the same thing, right? I guess not.
Oh god, someone who doesnt like blasphemy doesnt mind saying Oh God.
Is trolling a new phrase for mentally insane? I've seen people who think that because there are many Jewish people involved in Hollywood, it has become satanic and evil. They think there are pacts with the devil, celebrity clones, and some weird ritualistic cults. I've even seen people who believe Warner Brothers Studio has an underground sacrificial area. The closest you could get to any of that is Scientology, which is just basically a scam.
OP believes in fake news stories from Facebook and is an obvious conspiracy nut.
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Is trolling a new phrase for mentally insane? I've seen people who think that because there are many Jewish people involved in Hollywood, it has become satanic and evil. They think there are pacts with the devil, celebrity clones, and some weird ritualistic cults. I've even seen people who believe Warner Brothers Studio has an underground sacrificial area. The closest you could get to any of that is Scientology, which is just basically a scam.
OP believes in fake news stories from Facebook and is an obvious conspiracy nut.
Fake news eh? I suppose the Podesta pizzagate thing is fake news and conspiracy theory. In 2016 alone there's been countless of so called "conspiracy theories" that have been proven to be true. No, I don't believe in an alien reptilian take over. No, I haven't heard anything about an underground sacrificial area at Warner Bros, although admittedly if such a thing was uncovered, I would not be in the least bit surprised. But until there's evidence of such a thing, I'm not interested.
Many Jewish people involved in Hollywood? There are more Jewish faces on screen in movies than there are non-Jews on screen. You just don't know how to recognize the various Jewish features at a glance. Obviously they are working towards things that in their opinion is good for Jewish supremacy and bad for the goyim. Of course, not everyone is in on it. The beautiful thing about brainwash is that you get ignorant propagandists for your cause that know not what they are doing. But the ones that matter are very well aware. Spielberg is a Jewish supremacist. He even helped fabricate fake Holocaust witness testimonies to make sure the Holocaust goes strong. One bit of evidence on that topic is that one Holocaust survivor in previous interviews said that for every person that committed suicide against the electric fence, they'd torture five of them. In Spielberg's Shoah documentary, her testimony has changed from that into that they would kill 100 of them, and when saying that she holds up five fingers.
If you're one of those people that believe that Hillary Clinton rightfully won the popular vote by 2 million and reject the proven fact that at least 3 million illegals voted Hillary, and that 4 million dead people's votes went to Hillary, then you're the conspiracy nut, mr.
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Anything that starts on Reddit by Trump supporters is a conspiracy theory and that has been debunked. And as far as Shoah, saying that if a person exaggerating something to capture the scope of the situation is considered "false testimonials" (this isn't court after all) then I ant take your evidence seriously. Can you please provide me with more evidence of Jew-pocalypse please?
I find it astounding that a self confessed atheist who has found a respect for christianity and despises blasphemy is suddenly blaspheming Judaism. What next - Islam? You know that the Abrahamic religions are all based on the same thing, right? I guess not.
Oh god, someone who doesnt like blasphemy doesnt mind saying Oh God.
Surely you're trolling...
What a delightful post! It'll be very satisfying to answer to all of that.
When I say I have respect for Christianity, I don't mean it's particular origin, what it's been influenced by, or anything like that. It's about the people, the common person known as a "good Christian". Europe has benefited from reformed European Christian values. Sadly, it's become all liberal and stuff now, so I think what we got today can be referred to as soggy Christianity. Could use some more of the knight's Templars and crusade mentality so that we may survive.
I happen to know a thing or two about Judaism, and it doesn't matter to me that it influenced Islam and Christianity, Judaism, with its Talmud, is a monster on the world stage of politics, economics, and propaganda. Talmud minded people have the greatest amount of power out of all the holders of power on the Earth. That's why I have no love for Jews, except for honest Jews who are ordinary good folk who disagrees with what other the Jews do when they follow the Talmud.
It may be contrary to your view of atheists, but not all of us are phobic to common sayings that are deeply ingrained in languages due to religious influence. Do you have to be Christian to say "bless you" when someone sneezes? Or to say Marry Christmas? I think not. You can even be someone who hates and disrespects Christianity but still be mature enough not to get caught up in useless details. To be picky about language to that extent would be similar to the logic of that you shouldn't wear pants because Joseph Stalin wore pants.
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When I say I have respect for Christianity, I don't mean it's particular origin, what it's been influenced by, or anything like that.
They are the three Abrahamic religions. Do you not understand that?
That's why I have no love for Jews, except for honest Jews
Would you like a bigger shovel to go with that. I dont think your hole is quite bif enough yet.
It may be contrary to your view of atheists
What's my view of atheists? Please enlighten me because I missed the memo letting me know what view I can have of non believers. I am well aware, however, of my view towards bigots.
You can even be someone who hates
No I cant. That goes against my beliefs, and hate is a useless and wasted energy. You can keep it all to yourself, mate.
you shouldn't wear pants because Joseph Stalin wore pants.
That's the first sensible thing you've said. I did laugh, however, when you implied that an Abrahamic book makes christians good people (implication being the other two Abrahamic books make people bad people), then went on to say you wanted more crusades. You're a riot. I really enjoyed that.🙌 May the flying spaghetti monster save your soul.
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I'm sure you can find an occasional non-Jew writer involved on these shows but they'll often be crypto-Jews or shills. John Logan looks like he could have some Jewish ancestry. I meant that there's no show like Penny Dreadful where Jewish writers are not involved, having a prominent role in the making of the show.
So, John Logan must have Jewish ancestry because he's associated with the show? Where do you come-up with this stuff? All Jewish writers, directors, and producers must have some sort of agenda. Do you know how Anti-Semitic you're coming across?
Maybe they should start re-enlisting the blacklist of 1940s and 50s and put all Jewish writers, directors and producers at the top of the list? Would that make you happy? Just kill the opportunity for talented productions to come out of Hollywood and only have those of a certain criteria write, direct and produce - sounds very American to do me!
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I have Jewish ancestry on my matriarchal side. I've never written a script in my life. What does that guy think my agenda is? My niece is a writer. OMG😱 She must be a shill in Hollywood.
I'll think of that OP when I'm skiing with satanists in Israel next January. Bless. I'll make sure to use my bat phone to say Hi to Anton LaVey for him.
So, John Logan must have Jewish ancestry because he's associated with the show? Where do you come-up with this stuff? All Jewish writers, directors, and producers must have some sort of agenda. Do you know how Anti-Semitic you're coming across?
Maybe they should start re-enlisting the blacklist of 1940s and 50s and put all Jewish writers, directors and producers at the top of the list? Would that make you happy? Just kill the opportunity for talented productions to come out of Hollywood and only have those of a certain criteria write, direct and produce - sounds very American to do me!
Why exactly do you think that Jewish writers, directors, and producers were blacklisted? On a whim? Out of completely unmotivated Jew-o-phobia? Do you think that Jews having gotten kicked out of 100+ countries through history was unfounded and has nothing to do with the actual behavior of Jewish communities? Do you think it's a mere coincidence that Jews own Universal Studios, 2th Century Fox, ABC News, CBS News, CNN News, Columbia Pictures, Dreamwork Studios, Warner Brothers, Washington Post, MGM, MTV, Wall Street Journal, Comedy Central, NBC Entertainment, Reuters, Disney, Los Angeles Times, Discovery Network, Paramount, Facebook, Yahoo, Marvel, Hulu, Cosmopolitan, Time inc., Touchstone, Associated Press, Miramax Films, HBO, Pixar, Imagine Entertainment, Reader's Digest, MSNBC, and Comcast? Also New York Post has a Jewish CEO.
How come the top out of the top out of the top one percent elite is 99 % Jewish supremacist?
Also, give a guy a little bit of credit. What I say sounds absolutely anti-semitic to you, but I wouldn't discriminate against any individual person I meet who happens to be Jewish. I'm not one of those low brow skinhead idiots who beat up people in the street because a black man is together with a white woman. My political view is separate from the way my day-to-day life goes. And besides, here in Sweden where there's millions of Muslims from a variety of African and Middle Eastern countries, just about everyone has some Muslim friends.
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Let's all pray to whatever it is that works that your political view(public) and your day-to-day life(private) never meet.
Because then you'd be the low brow skinhead idiot.
And the blacklist of the 40's and 50's was about communists. Not jews. So, you're view is terribly ill informed.
About the only thing you've gotten right is
Apologies. Yes, you might well say I pulled that one out of my ass. It might be an exaggerated presumption to make, it'd just be so typical if Gaga had some creative power over the show for that season, considering how high profile she is, and how she's in with the (((right people))).
The reason I wrote "probably exercising a fair amount of creative power" is that usually good actors get to contribute to the creative process of making a movie, but usually to the extent of changing "Give me my phone call" into spitting blood on the desk and saying "you give me my fücking phone call", and not make as great additions to a script as for instance pedophile wet dream vampire children. If you wish, you can consider that statement of mine "probably exercising a fair amount of creative power..." as a blunder of mine.
Mel, it blow my mind that keyboard warriors drop outrageous implications like that on the net, no doubt hoping it gets picked up by the gutter press. Mind blowing. I wonder if they know they're not as anonymous as they think.
And you never answered my question about Gaga's connection to the podesta emails so I'll just bump with this quote
Apologies. Yes, you might well say I pulled that one out of my ass. It might be an exaggerated presumption to make, it'd just be so typical if Gaga had some creative power over the show for that season, considering how high profile she is, and how she's in with the (((right people))).
The reason I wrote "probably exercising a fair amount of creative power" is that usually good actors get to contribute to the creative process of making a movie, but usually to the extent of changing "Give me my phone call" into spitting blood on the desk and saying "you give me my fücking phone call", and not make as great additions to a script as for instance pedophile wet dream vampire children. If you wish, you can consider that statement of mine "probably exercising a fair amount of creative power..." as a blunder of mine.
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A little off-topic, but I think Penny Dreadful wasn't actually as bad as you may think.
The entire subplot of Vanessa Ives character was that she was battling with the evil side and her faith.
Her faith in god and jesus was her rock and what kept her from becoming evil.
I think it was a real big shame that Showtime canceled that show. You could tell that season three was rushed and incomplete, because showtime canned it.
It was my favorite show of all time and had some really amazing heart wrenching moments with also awesome characters.
I'm still pondering how he can pick what holy book someone reads simply because of how they look. It's like bigots who think anyone wearing a head covering is a terrorist. I wonder how many people think I have a grenade launcher hidden on my person when I wear a pretty scarf on my head.
I'm still pondering how he can pick what holy book someone reads simply because of how they look. It's like bigots who think anyone wearing a head covering is a terrorist. I wonder how many people think I have a grenade launcher hidden on my person when I wear a pretty scarf on my head.
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Y'all need to stop pointing your attack words at the an above who is trying to establish that there is a connection between the entertainment we consume and the elite conspiracy that is being uncovered right now. Serious ramifications are coming for these people if we push for an investigation and encourage more whistleblowers.
Gaga was an honoured guest at Marina Abramovic's cannibal-lite dinner show, sipping blood from an effigy. The same Marina Abramovic who has dedicated her life to extreme art that until recently I could enjoy. Now I see something much more sinister inside it, and season 5 Hotel also has become a different memory to me. Gaga's prominence, with the kidnapping and corrupting of children, there were some offensive things being paraded and glorified.
And now, a pedophile ring is being uncovered in Washington DC, as there are other pedophile rings being uncovered around the world. This involves the British royals and British Parliament, parliament figures here in Australia, many entertainers, many politicians, the rabbit hole is deep and dark and needs to be expelled from secrecy.
Nothing else matter sat this point. Hillary Clinton needs to fall so the rest can fall too!
More articles in Washington post which I cant copy and paste, but this is interesting
A separate question is whether criminal charges may arise from some of the threats that have been leveled at the restaurant and its owner, online and by phone. Mischief may stray into the province of criminality if it incites violence..
Yup. People are so stupid if they think they can get away with defaming strangers on the net in this day and age, or send death threats. Interesting that reddit shut the conspiracy community down.
Yup. People are so stupid if they think they can get away with defaming strangers on the net in this day and age, or send death threats. Interesting that reddit shut the conspiracy community down.
Have you lost your mind? You think that the owner of Comet Ping Pong is an innocent man who got accused by conspiracy theorists without any evidence of criminal activity? I guess you must be one of the less than 6 % of people in America that trusts what mainstream media says. If you haven't noticed, all that they write are a pack of lies to protect the most evil people on the face of the Earth. The side that you were just defending are child molesting child murderers.
So you really think I'm such a bad person, because I have conclusions implicating a high up elite who's most relevant commonality is that they are ethnically Jewish. You're the one believing such filthy lies that you'll defend the worst kind of pedophiles. You poor brainwashed SOB.
Just to start you off, since you think Pizzagate is untrue and holds no evidence, just begin with a couple simple little youtube videos.
I guess you must be one of the less than 6 % of people in America that trusts what mainstream media says.
Please point to where I said 1. I am in America and 2. I believe everything reported in mainstream media.
You're the one believing such filthy lies that you'll defend the worst kind of pedophiles. You poor brainwashed SOB.
WTF have I ever defended pedophiles? I'm surprised you can breathe and type at the same time. My comments were about social media conspiracy theorists who pull gossip out of their rectums and try to pass it off as fact, you ridiculous oxygen thief.
I'm not clicking on your links until you get yourself a tin foil hat and build a bunker.
you think Pizzagate is untrue
Dont tell me what I think. You have not got a clue.
And I know you're incapable of addressing any questions you're asked but I'll try one last question to fry your brain...
why did reddit shut down that community???? Dont tax yourself too hard.
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why did reddit shut down that community???? Dont tax yourself too hard.
I guess you missed the part where Reddit's owner just like Twitter's owner bans people and channels on Reddit to cover for the establishment. Reddit's Jewish owner has also been looked into by the volunteers prying into Pizzagate, and it seems that he has an unhealthy obsession with cannibalism, which matches one of the main interests of a lot of these other child molesters. Podesta for interesting has cannibalistic art on his walls in his home. And the public pictures of mild spirit cooking that were released simulate cannibalism. He's in deep with those guys. Twitter's owner is also covering for these people. And so are the mainstream media.
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I can talk in front of a camera, make connections out of thin, and put it on YouTube and people will believe me...because I'm on the internet. Does it make it true? No. Why do you try to desperately look for things to try to fit your ridiculous narrative?
Believe it or not, I used to be like you. I was so paranoid about celebrities and Hollywood being Satanic and involved in this dark conspiracy. Then I came to my senses and saw how ridiculous I was being. And in all that time, the only shred of "evidence" that I came across was conspiracy theory sites and YouTube videos.
I can talk in front of a camera, make connections out of thin, and put it on YouTube and people will believe me...because I'm on the internet. Does it make it true? No. Why do you try to desperately look for things to try to fit your ridiculous narrative?
Believe it or not, I used to be like you. I was so paranoid about celebrities and Hollywood being Satanic and involved in this dark conspiracy. Then I came to my senses and saw how ridiculous I was being. And in all that time, the only shred of "evidence" that I came across was conspiracy theory sites and YouTube videos.
Satanic? That's what the other factions of Jews wants you to believe, even the ones that attack the Jewish globalist factions. And a lot of the Jewish alternative media broadcasters like David Seaman probably believe it is Satanist. It's ancient Hebrew styled sacrificial worship. It's very Jewish, but they painted it to look like the dark underbelly of Christianity, the Satanic. But it used to be Kosher.
Do you suggest that The Washington Post, New York Times, The Huffington Post, CNN, CBS, and BBC are trustworthy news sources for politics, indeed more trustworthy than the people who fight back using whatever methods they have at their disposal online? I'm not saying every single person, mind you, no some of these people dabble in numerology and crap like that. I just mean the most successful, meticulous and thorough, careful, and insightful in the counter-movement.
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They're more trustworthy than Reddit. Do you know why? Because those news outlets provide evidence and reputable sources to prove their points. All you have done is show us YouTube videos (which were ridiculous) and nothing more.
Then I came to my senses and saw how ridiculous I was being.
Gabe, out of curiosity was it after a turbulent event, or during a time of extreme stress? You might find this article interesting. I meant to post it earlier but the OP made my synapses twitch.
Honestly, I honestly don't recall that much. I was pretty young, maybe 14 or 15 when I started looking all that up. And I've always been the anxious type, and not just about conspiracy theories. I think it was some sort of existential crisis. Even to this day I have panic attacks out of nowhere and sometimes even paranoia, though I can control it much more than I used to. But I think it was at the time when the term "illuminati" was a popular phrase. I started looking it up and found all these weird things that OP mentioned, like secret circles in Hollywood. But I think I kind of grew out of it. I became more mature and saw things in a different light. Look, I'm not refuting that the government can get involved in some shady sh!t, but a pedophile ring with the basis of fact or evidence is completely different. This thread is kind of bringing up some bad memories and kind of regret getting involved so much, but I'm actually kind of impressed on how easy it is to refute these people.
As far as OP goes, I don't know why he believes this stuff. Maybe to seem more intelligent or enlightened than the rest who are "brainwashed".
Hugs matey. I thought that article would be helpful for you.
I'm actually kind of impressed on how easy it is to refute these people.
It is, precisely because they project constantly, and they read things in posts that arent there which is exactly what they do when they get hold of the conspiracy theories. A restaurant has a cold storage room underneath and therefore it's a 'kill room' as the OP called it? And it's full of dead kids because a family restaurant has children running around having fun? Wow. Just Wow. A stranger on the net has bizarre art on his walls therefore he's a cannibal? Far out. I'm a superfan of Hannibal tv show, and I cook, and I have an autographed photo by Mads dressed in Hannibal's peacock suit, and a second fridge and freezer in my garage therefore I kill people, cook them and eat them.
Quick, hand me a straight jacket and shove me in a padded cell.
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Hugs matey. I thought that article would be helpful for you.
Hugs all around. And the article really did help with giving a lot of needed insight. Thank you for that!
And it's full of dead kids because a family restaurant has children running around having fun? Wow. Just Wow.
I know. More and more today, people are getting invested in stranger danger. I'm not saying we should trust everyone, but we have to look for actual evidence before we start accusing people and pointing fingers at the smallest allegations or rumors.
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Excuse me for butting in where I don't belong. But don't you think you're taking this a bit far? Pizzagate is widely regarded in America as a conspiracy theory, you can't go around calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a brainwashed SOB who's defending pedophiles. If there was as much evidence as you claim, people would be in jail. I know, that's just part of the cover up, right? It's cool if you want to believe this I guess, live your life, do you, or whatever. I'm not here to tell you you're wrong. (But, for the record, IMO, you are. Dead wrong.) Bringing up the vampire children abduction in Hotel almost makes it somewhat on topic here, but other than that, I think people just come here to discuss the show, not get called all sorts of ridiculous sht for not sharing your views about something unrelated, and potentially completely made up. The things you have said about Jewish people are hateful. I'm sorry if you don't see it that way, but they are, and you should really stop. Conspiracy or no conspiracy, it is completely anti-Semitic to accuse all Jewish people, be it ethnically or religiously Jewish - doesn't matter, of controlling the media, covering for evil politicians, sacrificing children, etc., etc. Believing in the Pizzagate thing is one thing, being blatantly racist is quite another. When you act that way and then turn around and insult nearly everyone on this thread, and I'm sure I'm next, no one is going to take you seriously.
Wow, you are brainwashed, aren't you? These people are powerful, criminal, and they cover for each other. Even without all the pedophile charges, take a look at Hillary. There's so much evidence of so many crimes of hers that one doesn't even know where to begin, and the system is so corrupt that she manages to stay out of prison.
Widely regarded as conspiracy theories, well you do realize that there are tons of so called conspiracy theories that have been proven true? Ever heard of the Lavon affair? The USS Liberty incident? Operation Paperclip? And in more recent times, lots of things Hillary was accused of was called conspiracy theory, but has been proven true. That doesn't stop mainstream media from referring to it as "conspiracy theory", which makes gullible people like you also refer to it as "widely regarded as conspiracy theory".
Have you seen the pictures from Pizzagate? Does that seriously leave room for any doubt about these people? Of course, that evidence is circumstantial, perhaps not enough for convictions, but it's strong enough evidence to establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that these are the most vicious group of pedophiles ever exposed.
My criticism against Jews pales in comparison to the daily accusation against white people that is just part of politically correct speech, which is encouraged by most, especially brainwashed white people. I most certainly do not accuse all Jewish people, you dolt. I'm just pointing out the Jewish connection, and I use statistics. That's far from accusing the individual ordinary person who happens to be Jewish. That person is as likely to be brainwashed as anyone else, so whatever his opinions and behaviors are, it's probably too similar to an ordinary white guy's.
The reason I bring up the Jewish connection so much is because so many of the criminals in the top are ethnic Jews. Too much for it being a coincidence, considering that Jews make up 2 % of America's population.
And actually, anyone that has gone underneath the surface and has a basic understanding of how the western world works will not take the you serious. But you are right, lots of ignorant people will not take someone like me seriously. But who can blame them? They mistake Jewish people for white people on a regular basis, which helps feed them their sickly idea that everything is the fault of middle aged white males. Only it's not racist to say such things about white people...
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The reason I bring up the Jewish connection so much is because so many of the criminals in the top are ethnic Jews. Too much for it being a coincidence, considering that Jews make up 2 % of America's population.
They mistake Jewish people for white people on a regular basis, which helps feed them their sickly idea that everything is the fault of middle aged white males. Only it's not racist to say such things about white people...
In my opinion it's a great show. Think of it as AHS is Victorian England and with more action. If you love old horror classics like Dracula and Frankenstein you'll love this show. But it's only three seasons long, and I'm pretty upset about that.
Have either of you seen The Crown? I was told yesterday by someone in the Biz (OMG and he isnt even Jewish, although he is a crypto so many people on the planet brought up with Abrahamic religions) that it's phenomenal. Most exy tv show ever made, apparently. $130 million.
I haven't, and to be honest I really didn't think much of it when I saw the trailer, but it has been getting rave reviews so I'll probably check it out.
I'm not particularly interested in the royal family, but I trust the guy who recommended it to me because we have very similar tastes in film. I cant see where all the money went, though. I liked the look of the trailer and it certainly looks lush, but why that exy.
Clothes, jewels, and set designs I imagine. And if the clothes and jewels were actually worn by the queen at some point (I don't know if they were but I wouldn't be surprised) you're going to be paying extra.
I loved Penny Dreadful, Vanessa's storyline and that of the creature were heartbreaking.I didn't think Dorian's story added much to the show though.
The second season was amazing,The Cut Wife episodes were stunning.
Season 3 was terribly rushed towards the end for sure and that was a real shame because we didn't really get any kind of fulfilling conclusion but it was still a joy to watch Rory Kinnear and Eva Green.
Although there's been rain and it's coming again Change has to be here obviously
It's widely criticised for being a conspiracy theory for nutbag loons. Even reddit closed them down.
you're the only person not being informative
Informed is the word I think you wanted. And that's blatantly incorrect. Others have mentioned it in this thread alone, and see my first point about the amount of criticism levelled at it.
Who are you, anyway? Did the OP ask for backup from other anti semites who like spreading their conspiracy theories?
Considering your thread asking if Fiona killed cricket, I dont think you're in a position to talk about other posters' idiocy.
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Dani, there's no use. Trust me, these people will always go with their own narrative and not listen to reason. Like your article said (thank you for that by the way) conspiracy theorist always look for something to make sense of something and therefore feel superior. Like the guy you responded to, they view others as "less informative" because they know some big secret cover up. I've dealt with these people, and it's no use.
You know what the sad part is, Gabe? that pesky little thing called Innocent Until Proven Guilty, yet pitchfork wielding conspiracy theorists would gladly go postal on people who have no charges even laid against them.
Yeah I see it all the time on the net. Really ignorant and uneducated, yet they'd be screaming blue murder if they were ever convicted and hanged by the neck without a trial. And here the OP falsely accused me of being a pedo defender simply because I will not take as fact unsubstantiated gossip by strangers on the net, especially in a thread started by an angry, hateful person who has proven he likes making sht up.
Fascinating, isnt it. The people who choose not to take as fact unsubstantiated gossip on social media are idiots. OK, so be it. If he thinks I'm an idiot, he can knock himself out. I'm not the least bit interested in getting caught up in kangaroo courts by conspiracy theorists. I will re evaluate if this ever goes to court, especially if the people being defamed and sent death threats take it to court.
And I most certainly hope the mongrels who took photos of innocent children off the net to imply they were victims of this alleged ring that they get the book thrown at them.
I did get a couple new show recommendations out of this thread, though, so thanks for that I guess.
What I got out of it is conspiracy theorists hallucinate on the internet when people challenge their opinions. It must be that pesky Big Pharma spiking their medication with psychedelics.
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LOL I was thinking earlier how much I want pizza, with extra garlic, anchovies and olives, and a perfect thin and crispy base. I had one when I was visiting USA. Oh that's right, I cant visit USA. That guy said I live there.
Lmao. This guy spent more time arguing with everyone who said the word "conspiracy" than he did talking to the couple people that agreed with him. I'm honestly just sick of seeing this at the top of the board everyday, it always makes me want to order a pizza.
Oh, I assure you it warms the heart to see there are some people who have broken free from the thorough brainwash that you guys are still in complete trance from. But what do you suggest I do, preach to the choir?
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Wow. Some people in this thread need to put their tin foil hats on and take a time out in the corner. Seriously! I'd be more relaxed in the company of the Polks.
The funny thing is all this gossip and conspiracy theories can be substantiated with enough digging and removing your own heads from your asses.
It's hilarious that you're saying we're conspiracy theorists when the actual conspiracy is the fact that the media is in collusion with politicians and websites to sweep this under the rug.
So this is fake news just like debbie wasserman schultz, like donna brazile, like the left paying blm protesters to disrupt bernie rallies, like hillary's email scandal?
You people are living in wonderland and choosing to be blissfully ignorant because it allows you to feel safe and superior to everyone else. You want to believe you live in a perfect world where you could never be a cosigner to such acts merely on the principal of ignoring it for your own fragile psyches.
See people like me aren't worried about people like you, folks, we merely feel sorry for how uninformed and ignorant you all are.
People like me have taken the time to educate ourselves on the subject matter enough to know there is something going on.
People laughed at us when we knew Hillary was corrupt and has been corrupt from the onset, but people like you guys are still struggling with your self-righteous morals that won't allow you to see the ugly truth. The truth hurts and most of you people are drowning yourselves in the mainstream and begging to be left alone instead of opening your eyes.
This type of unsavory and demented things have been going on for CENTURIES, but you sorry POS won't ever bat an eye, because it's you who have chosen to be above the crimes committed against children, just to save your sorry faces from facing the truth.
Is it also a lie and a conspiracy that the premier football league is rife with child molestation?
That question is rhetorical and posed to make you question your own shallow logic, because just as of this past week there have been an inundation of football players coming out and telling about how they've been molested for decades and decades and that it isn't just football but other sports leagues.
Of course morons of your ilk will shirk off as some claims that couldn't possibly correlate with what's happening in Washington; you people are disgustingly ignorant.
You think that this sort of thing isn't rife in the most powerful sector in the united states besides and with the entertainment industry.
Elijah Wood is someone you should open your deaf ears to.
It's all there, and you people can bitch, and label people who see what's going on, and make you feel insecure about your own willful ignorance. That's not the problem of people like me or other's who have clarity, no ego, and no pride when it comes to stories like this, because it isn't about "the tin-foil hat wearers", which you're so quick to label out of insecurity and fear, it's about the people who are having these crimes committed against them.
Let me repeat that to you, schmohawks.
It's not about me.
It's not about politics.
It's not about anyone's ego.
It's not about the "conspiracy theorists".
It's not about being blue or red you brain dead idiots.
It's about these children and human beings who are having these criminal acts perpetrated on them. If you people don't care about that than you're not really people at all.
Stop talking sh.
I love how someone brought up mob mentality when it's you people acting with mob mentality by huddling together and using each other as a sounding board to protect your fragile little egos.
It's insane how you people are so hypocritical and willfully blind.
Go open a damn book or read some real articles, not the funny pages that make you feel all safe and trendy.
I wonder how I can join some of these circles. They sound like fun.
The epitome of the corrupted mind. Believes that the child molesting war criminal political leaders are innocent, defends them, and makes a joke about joining them for torture rape killing small children in a kill room.
Just the fact that we've been given incentive to enjoy jokes like that as common place, what a disgusting status quo that has been forced upon all of us.
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Your responses are so glib I would think anyone with intelligence would be ashamed to be such a waste.
Try again.
Next time use some effort or just f-off. You can either open your wee little eyes up, or you can continue making meaningless responses, which is what people who are wrong, but can't accept it do.
Either way. I see you. And what I'm looking at is a conglomeration of ignorance trying to make this a nexus point of their erroneous thoughts.
Where to? This is a public discussion board. Maybe I should eff off to the forum the angry little tin foil hat wearers went to when reddit closed that place down, and for very good reason from what I have read.
And who are you exactly to be telling me to eff off a board of a show I watch? Have some fibre dude. You're about to have a rectal prolapse.
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