MovieChat Forums > Alien: Romulus (2024) Discussion > Will the millenial crew repeat past dumb...

Will the millenial crew repeat past dumb tactics?

In the previous films, instead of scanning a planet for dangers from the safety of their landing craft hovering above, they just land?

And next to a lake? Durrr...


stop trashing Alien: Covenant better than Prometheus and the Alien sequels after Aliens


Yeah no.


If they are liberals then more than likely they will repeat the same mistakes.


Quiet RepubliKKKan Cult drone the party doesnt have your best interest your a mindless drone if anything weyland yutani is an example of giving the economy to Conservatives who care about profits rather than people Carter Burke,Kane and Oram fit the bills profit over people .


profits are good for people, millions were starved by communism and millions who survived communism are still impoverished and poor, struggling to recover from their third world status after their countries and livelihoods were completely destroyed as a result. capitalism is the lesser of two evils, only mindless dumbass drones think otherwise...


You're so simple minded it's almost impressive.


What do you have against lakes?


lol that is a good point, maybe there ships need to resupply with water and shit


Who says it's water? ;-)
Could be alien pee.


dang that shit is probably so toxic it would melt steel


If they do that, there won't be any movie.

Anyway, all Alien movies made reference to Human Hubris & Neo-Noiresque Cynical Characters.

Yet, in almost all movies, atmosphere and landscape was studied before landing.

Having drones or rovers inspect before, may come with zero result as they couldn't have reached dark underground corners. All Alien movies had creatures sense biological life. They wouldn't have attacked any drones/robots/rovers. A drone/rover wouldn't have detected the danger of spores produced by the mutated fungus (in Covenant). Even if the video of the first facehugger egg we see in the movie Alien was transmitted to the crews by a drone, the group would have still sensed safety and collecting a sample would eventually had the danger come in. The facehugger wouldn't have attacked the drone/rover. Likewise, in Prometheus no danger would have sensed. It was only after David opened the door to the Urns' room, black goo got unleashed.


Some good points, actually.

But in their rush to film action it's usually left unclear to much of the audience
