MovieChat Forums > Revenge (2011) Discussion > Why is Hollywood forcing gayness upon us...

Why is Hollywood forcing gayness upon us?

I just finished watching the whole season 4 of Revenge, oh gosh, Noah and that guy.

I also watched The Originals, which they also had a gay couple.

and of course, there's Game Of Thrones too.

and yeah, there was also Nashville......what other shows will have male gay couples.


Get lost you nasty little troll.


Youre stupid


Gay relationships exist so why shouldn't they be portrayed on tv?

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.


Does it remind you of how many times you took it up the arse?


Modern Family has a gay couple too


Why is the internet forcing pathetic morons like you on us?


Who's Noah??


First, you are most likely a troll, but I will respond anyway because there are 'non-trolls" who may actually wonder the same thing.

Hollywood is not forcing anything. There is not law you HAVE to watch a show. Thus.. nothing is being forced.

Why gay people? Because society in general are finally realizing..... wait for it.. GAY PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO EXIST. Like black people, Asian people, females, redheads, brunettes, good people, bad people.. gay people exist.

So, if they exist... they should be characters.

Very simple.
