Season 2

So I heard the possible news for a new season. What do you think is going to happen in season 2?

*Spoilers, just in case*
Since they filmed season 1 based on the whole book, there isn't any material left. So that means the writers have to come up with a storyline for the second season. I think they are going with the aftermath of the tapes. Especially with the cliffhanger of Alex. And that creepy Tyler is up to no good. And Bryce ofcourse.
But I don't know how Hannah will fit in the second season. I think they are done with her character tho. What do you think?


They could do a lot from Tyler's POV. He has tons of pictures of everyone and maybe wrote or made tapes about them.


Why do you suppose Tyler was looking at pictures of all the others, and then took down Alex's? Could Tyler have been involved in Alex's supposed suicide attempt or something?


It depends on the chronology. He could have taken it down after hearing about Alex, like it was just 1 person he could take off his hit list. At the same time though, there is a flashback to the time Alex defended him. If he took it down before hearing about Alex, it could go two ways- he was grateful, or he had resentment towards Alex because Alex can somewhat get into the same social circles who pick on Tyler every day.



It is obvious how they set up the ending for a second season and who it would be about.

Tyler is going to go on a gun killing spree in the school and will leave somewhere his 13 reasons why he did it.


i heard it is already confirmed, but i think that's a stupid idea. yeah, if one insists, then one can demand some stuff to be explained more detailed, but the story has been told. really nothing good can come out of going ahead with the characters.


Yes, Hannah should only be on flashbacks and the tapes i'm sure will get replayed during the trail against the school and also possibly a criminal trail against Bryce. I don't see any way they can include her any more than stated above. That would make her kind of a minor character in season 2 but I think that's how it should be.


Based on some recent comments by the producers, Hannah will be in Season 2 (and presumably the rest of the original cast). We should see more of her back story (like what happened during summer break), but she won't be narrating and won't be a central character. The trial will be part of Season 2, and Jessica's recovery process. There will also be a new old technology featured, I am guessing some type of film medium, like microfilm or 35mm.
