MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Black Panther Success Has Theater Owners...

Black Panther Success Has Theater Owners Demanding More Diversity

In b4 the triggering ensues.


Demand diversity in the NBA first


Are they saying Black Panther is "diverse"? Probably in the insane world of SJWs.


No, they're saying that they want different types of movies... a diverse set of movies, released throughout the year...

The article is short and what they're saying is more than just what the attention grabbing headline implies...


National Theater Owners Association (NATO) - lol

I've rolled my eyes and can't unroll them!


they're not to be messed with! 😂


It's funny because you'd think it would be abbreviated to NTOA, but nah - they went with NATO.


There was more Diversity in Star Wars the Land Jedi than there was Black Panther. Diversity means people of many different backgrounds and skin colors. This movie is about as Diverse as any movie man in the 1940's. It doesn't even matter if there all black or all white.


Key quote... Even the theatre owners are afraid it will be all superhero movies and small indie/prestige movies, with few midbudget movies, once the Disney/Fox merger is complete...

“If you look at the breakdown of the top movies of the last five years, we have more global blockbusters than ever before and a good, steady stream of independent, intelligent, award-worthy movies, but we don’t have as many mid-budget movies,” Fithian said. “That’s what I’d like to see change.”


I would like to see this too, I think these super high budgets on some of these films can hurt them because they are always reaching for more. I think a hard budget, under 60 million, would force a director to work smarter and better and not let their tendency to keep "making it better" spiral the film out of control.


All you need for more diversity is not make Black Panther a stand alone success. Green out weighs most things, if it will earn money a studio will produce it. Its not like majority black cast have not been done for years (I know for some people they didn't realize there were black actors and movies before Black Panther..but there were...really), but people just didn't flock to some of them. Black Panther is a MCU film that had a massive social push behind it..between those two things it came out of the gate strong. But if you need to be tied to a massively successful movie franchise and have nearly every media site say you need to see the film for it to be a success than you have not really proved anything. You need the lesser known projects without the social manipulation to do well too.
