hmmmm, a bit lame?
Did not care that much for it. Too little Panther and too much Wakanda perhaps. Not sure what it was, but I was not feeling the characters that much. Even their betrayals felt kind of flat to me. And a few things annoyed me:
1: We are introduced to these amazing sneakers.... and then they newer use them? I don’t know, I was just waiting for some cool ninja stuff, and gut snuffed.
2: the "deactivating the vibranium” setup on the magnetic railway, was dumb to me? Part of the comics? To me this opens a whole new can of worms… Cap’s shield can be deactivated now, I guess.
3: The bad guy helped Gollum and even helped him escape the prison - and being seen doing it - and then he kills him to have a trophy to get into Wakanda (yet the King has seen him help Gollum)???.... he was of royal blood line already which was enough, and we learn the true reason he get to challenge the king… why was all this pregame necessary and why not just kill Gollum, as he anyway had been an enemy of the state for decades? Weak filler plotline, imo.
4: So the get-out actor betrayed his king and best friend because he felt the need of some more action? Perhaps, but it felt flat on me, not believable characterization...
5: CGI was at times unnecessary bad. The flying "spaceship" could be taken out of an Australian tv movie – especially notice its shadow.
Allright I liked stuff too. I like that is was an all African story and I liked how it for once did not diss on the Africans... that was a cool change of pace, but not enough to make the movie through and through solid.
PS: The final scene is the Panther about to say something, cut to credits …. The first post credit scene is the Panther about to say something, cut to credits….. the last post credit scene is the Winter Soldier about to say something, cut to credits. I smell a lack of imagination.
PPS: The praise it gets made me make this post, I think. The movie is okay…. but not much more.