MovieChat Forums > Meeting Evil (2012) Discussion > Unbelievably bad, stay away (pending rev...

Unbelievably bad, stay away (pending review)

I'm going out of my way to review this movie because of how bad it is.
I hope you see this before you waste your time.

The script blows. Despite being adapted from a novel, there's a massive
plot hole. Apparently convenience stores don't have CCTV systems.

The dialogue is trite, bizarre and forced.

The acting of the supporting cast is just bad, which makes the horrible
dialogue that much worse.

The directing of the two leads is atrocious. The way they act is just
unbelievable considering their situations. Their talent is wasted by
this hack job.

The only redeeming quality is the cinematography.



Agree with the OP. I Gave it 1/10. Imho, script isn't so bad, but acting, directing and editing makes it terrible.


Well I saw some of these bad reviews and went and watched the movie anyway and I actually really liked it! I liked it better than most of the straight to dvd movies I've seen in a LONG time. Yes there were some things that weren't believable but doesn't that happen with almost every movie? Most are made simply for entertainment. Not sure why you are telling people not to waste their time just because you simply didn't like it.


I completely agree. I do think that Luke Wilson did a pretty horendous job as well. This movie sucks for sure. Trust him!



Couldn't agree more, honestly.

No one would behave as Luke Wilson's character does, given the situation.

I suspected it would be garbage when Luke Wilson's character actually agrees to drive SLJ to the impound lot or whatever it was, and by the time SLJ drove the car into the semi-driver (who, by the way, inexplicably knows not only who is responsible for his wife's death, but what they're driving and what road they're on), I was positive I was right. The reactions by Wilson and that forgettable brunette made me guffaw. I think I may have actually muttered -- with my mouth -- "guffaw."

Sorry for no spoiler alerts, but this flick doesn't deserve any. Everything I just "ruined" is meant to save you the pain of following in the mentally retarded footsteps of those who have actually admitted -- IN A PUBLIC FORUM (wtf are you thinking?) -- that they enjoyed this movie.

You're welcome.


There is no such thing as A French Military Victory, have I been punkd?


Well, the name surely lets one know she's about to read a bunch of troll posts, that's for sure!

I liked the movie. I liked how the little girl with the Chinese crested hairless represented blunt honesty, and that her dog was hairless to suggest that she hid nothing. I liked how the kids were pudge balls, and that they represented the gluttony of the lifestyle Luke Wilson's wife enjoyed, the excess of it all. I liked the entire ride. Yes, many things were obvious, but in the overall I did not mind those things.

The gene pool could use a little chlorine......


Hahahahah you think the cinematography was the only redeeming quality ? I thought it was fine until there were a few special effects thrown in towards the end that didn't fit the film and it really did hurt the ending of the film. The way some of the shots were taken I thought they had the angles wrong and there should have been more use of a close up cam just to make sure things were more intense with this ending but no I guess you feel the people shooting/directing this knew what they were doing and it was the lead cast that screwed up the movie. LOLOLOL Give me a break ! Samuel L. Jackson was convincing as a crazy intelligent killer and he had me wondering what he was going to do next or make someone do all the way through the movie. As for the rest of the cast they did their job other than the fact that I think the actress, Leslie Bibb, who played the wife of John Fleton, didn't deliver the line(s) the way I wanted in her last appearance on screen. I wanted to hear deception in her voice leaving the audience wondering if she might try to have her husband killed again. Heck maybe the last line should have been worded differently. I think the ending could have been better, more intense maybe, and this again can go back to the way this was all shot.

Bottom line is they had me liking the film quite a bit until the last 5 or so minutes of the film. I understood the ending and the strangeness of some of it but again I just feel it could have been delivered differently.

If they shot alternate endings I wish I could see them and I am not talking about alternate endings where the script is changed at all.

... and as for the OP saying this movie is really bad LOLOLOL uh have you seen movies like Freddy Got Fingered ? Uh check out the ones I rate really poorly and I dare you to watch those. This movie was far from being really bad. OP you have no credibility after what you have said. I definitely would not look at your ratings for movies cuz it doesn't seem that you know what you are talking about.

Samuel L. Jackson's performance alone makes this film worth renting. Get a clue.


"Meeting Evil" isn't a bad film, just a mediocre one. Certainly it's over the top, but low budget thrillers, like low budget horror movies and science fiction movies, are traditionally given a lot of leeway. It's worth watching for Samuel Jackson performance or if you're just a thriller fan, but probably not otherwise.

What gets me, though, is the mystery of Richie's motive. Why's he doing all this? Is he running wild and killing all these people simply because he needs to prove to John that John's view of the world is all wrong? Is Richie obsessed with getting John to validate Richie's view? The lack of any clear motive for Richie's murder spree makes it harder to accept the movie's premise and suspend disbelief.
