MovieChat Forums > Meeting Evil (2012) Discussion > Unbelievably bad, stay away (pending rev...

Unbelievably bad, stay away (pending review)

I'm going out of my way to review this movie because of how bad it is.
I hope you see this before you waste your time.

The script blows. Despite being adapted from a novel, there's a massive
plot hole. Apparently convenience stores don't have CCTV systems.

The dialogue is trite, bizarre and forced.

The acting of the supporting cast is just bad, which makes the horrible
dialogue that much worse.

The directing of the two leads is atrocious. The way they act is just
unbelievable considering their situations. Their talent is wasted by
this hack job.

The only redeeming quality is the cinematography.



Subjective, there's nothing wrong with people wanting to watch a movie. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean we all have to conform to what you want.

Don't you hate it when a signature looks like part of the post?


You're right. My opinion is subjective. That's inherent to the nature of opinions. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

I'm sorry if you think my review is meant as a directive rather than a warning. I came here to warn people, and that's all. If they don't heed my warning, that's on them. I tried.


Half way through and so far it's not bad at all.

.. I base this after watching a few Kevin Sorbo movies.


Intriguing user name......Any story behind it?


Couldn't disagree more. I thought the acting and dialogue was fine, and Jackson's performance was great.

There's not a movie out there that doesn't have a plot hole. In the movies you enjoy, you tend to forget them more easily. I liked this film so they didn't bother me.

There's not just one plot hole but many plot holes in every movie. That's why DVD's are so full of deleted scenes.

Anyway, it gets my full recommendation. Not a masterpiece, but entertaining.


Too bad Chris Fisher's history of making atrocious movies lends credence to my review while making you look like a studio sock puppet.


'Too bad Chris Fisher's history of making atrocious movies lends credence to my review while making you look like a studio sock puppet.'

It's exactly this kind of *beep* I was talking about, someone has a different opinion to yourself and you end up attacking them for it.

Don't you hate it when a signature looks like part of the post?


Maybe you have low standards and aren't a sock puppet. If that's the case, I'd like to apologize. I'd like to, but I can't.


It must be difficult living a life where you're the only one allowed to have an opinion.

Don't you hate it when a signature looks like part of the post?


No one said you couldn't have an opinion. Just don't put it out in public if you don't want criticism. You don't get to say what you think and expect people to be nice about it. Welcome to life.


The OP is indeed an *beep* but this movie is pure crap. The only way this film could be perceived as entertainment is if you're used to watching the weather channel or cspan on loop.


I liked it. Samuel L. Jackson is awesome in it. I recommend it to anyone after a decent thriller.



This coming from someone who has french, military and victory in the same name.
'Nuff said.


Love how you try to undermine everyone with your snide *beep* You seem really butthurt about this movie. Must remind you of someone else givin it to your old lady.


Just reminds me of my back yard after a week of my dog using it as a bathroom.


undermine? get bent *beep*



what french military victories? hahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahah

spectre can

suck it.


Sort of like your posting history?


Peter Jackson made Bad Taste and then went on, years later, to make the best theatrical production of Tolkien's novels. History is bunk. It only matters that they get better and this movie was ok.
With that piece of crap review, I don't see syndicates knocking down your door in order to give your opinion. Next time you want to give an opinion, how about you put on your big boy panties and write something halfway coherent, huh?
I ain't your friend, palooka.


your familiarity seems some what obsessive , did he bang an old girlfriend , or refuse cast you or worst yet reject your advances. its ok for someone who doesn't like his films you seem to know a lot about them , explain that .


Is it a straight to DVD? Looks like it.

Victims, aren't we all?


Oh God! I wish I'd read your review before wasting my time with this waste of celluloid! It was embarrassingly bad!
I love Samuel L. Jackson and I really like Wilson, this movie was cringe-worthy, I'm sure they'd both like to forget they were ever in it!
Supporting cast? AWFUL! Dialog? Atrocious!


I enjoyed this movie a lot, and I'm very glad I didn't follow your opinion.

It's a shame you can't appreciate movies of this kind, because they really are great. I suppose it takes a higher intellect to enjoy the spot-on dialogues and knife-sharp acting...


Troll attempt: Denied.

Nice try though. Better effort than Chris Fisher put into Meeting Evil.


I'm very much not trolling. If you can't recognize a good movie when you see one, well that's your loss.
If you can't recognize that other people might actually enjoy something just because you didn't, well that's an even bigger loss, but still on your part.


Do yourself a favour and don't even try to argue with the OP, anyone who doesn't share his opinion is a "troll".

Don't you hate it when a signature looks like part of the post?


Knife-sharp? Spot-on?

Don't be silly.

I enjoyed it, but I like this kind of crap...and I do know it's crap. Frenchie is ab-so-LOOT-ly kee-rect!


God I hope you're a troll...

If not, you should get a lobotomy for the good of all mankind.

If SLJ or Wilson would read your comment, they would certainly either burst in laughter or facepalm themselves.

"a higher intellect"...

"I'm gona put that blind man on a wheel chair!"


Surely I exaggerated, but that is no less than what the OP did.
Imho this IS a good movie, and I feel bad for you if you can't appreciate it.


The OP is a pathetic bully and a prick, not subjective just a fact.
For anyone interested the acting is more than solid, I personally thought Jackson's performance was as good as he has produced for a long time. Yeah there were a couple of things that didn't make sense (plot-holes if you prefer), however the movie is incredibly easy to follow, it is also fast paced and thankfully not too predictable. Not brilliant but a good, entertaining thriller that I scored 7/10.



Can't say I didn't enjoy the movie but I can't agree with the knife sharp acting and spot on dialogues bit. Jackson was good as usual but he's mostly playing himself again.

With that out of the way, its beggars saying that the movie has more plot holes than Swiss cheese. I don't mind suspending my disbelief, which I am often required to do considering I am a huge fan of the Thriller genre, even then this movie was still stretching it. You can only take so many leaps before it starts to look ridiculous if you know what I mean.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin




I have to agree with everything the first poster says except that the cinematography is pretentious beyond words.


Studio Sock Puppet? I live in southwest, Va with my wife and 2 kids. We barely scrape by on a meager income. I'm no one's sock puppet. But I do watch a lot of movies and I love reviewing them. I went to college as a journalism major so I have a little bit of experience on the issue.

Your "review" isn't a review, it's a rant. You go on and on about how bad it is but never put forth any evidence or specific examples of it's ineptitude.

Your post is a good representation of every tweenie *beep* with a computer who decides to bitch about movies on IMDB.

Chris Fisher has nothing to be ashamed of. This is only like his 6th movie. It's better than the one's before it. That means he's growing as a filmmaker.

So your opinion has no more "credence" than mine. Probably far less actually.


I enjoyed that, thank you Monstrmac1.


What do you expect lol he's trolling. This movie is not that bad I've seen better and I've seen worse.

Some people just enjoy being negative which is sad for them. I don't think I could do it lol I'd go crazy with such a depressing outlook.

Reviews are good but don't bank your weekend on them people. You have a mind of your own so go watch it or don't but DO NOT! let one person with a bad taste in their mouth make your decisions for you.

I'm sure I will be called a "sock puppet" now whatever that is. Oh well I guess it's better than being called French.
