MovieChat Forums > Her (2014) Discussion > Are Theodore and Amy meant for each othe...

Are Theodore and Amy meant for each other?

That's what the ending may me think of.
Maybe the softwares, her friend and his girlfriend (Samantha) helped them getting closer to eachother.

Maybe the fact both the OS left made Amy and Theodore realise they had eachother, and always had. They were just too busy with their respective computers.

They are great friends, they don't judge eachother, they've always been supportive to one another, and they're now both single. I say the ending is an opening to a new loving (and real) relationship.


Yes, yes, and yes to all questions.

The only thing which might be missing is that the OS (quietly) arranged for them to be together.


Yups, same here.
And that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, like the rest of this movie.
That is (in my mind) a very nice ending.


I'd say it's possible, but not a given. They're definitely going to remain great friends, and probably have a new appreciation for each other after their experiences. I think it could easily go either way, and whether or not they get together, I still really like their relationship.


Yeah, we can't know for sure. I mean, the relationship with his old girlfriend was great at the beginning as well. Only time will tell.


I think he was meant to throw her off the roof of the building.


Amy always felt like Theodore's dream girl in a way, they never judge one another, they both are supportive and both have that friendly demeanour and seem like loving people who just chose the wrong spouses for one another. I think Amy is everything that Theodore wanted from Catherine, his ex wife but that she just couldn't be.

The ending is left open for what the viewer sees. I like to see both of them end up together personally as they seem well suited.
