MovieChat Forums > The Playboy Club (2011) Discussion > Taking Bets on How Many Episodes Before ...

Taking Bets on How Many Episodes Before They Cancel

I saying 5 episodes


How about we actually see the premiere + following episode ratings first before making that judgment!


>DexterIsALostGleek on Mon Sep 19 2011 20:13:31 How about we actually see the >premiere + following episode ratings first before making that judgment!

Dude, I get what you're saying, but name how many decent shows NBC has kept over the past 5 years for more than half a season. Also, I watched the premiere and it felt copycat-ish.

The second Eddie Cibrian started off with the Jon Hamm voice, it was over. People are going to pan this show, especially Madmen fans. If this show had come out a few years ago, it would have a chance. If it had been on a different network, it might have had a chance.

The only chance it has is if it gets critcal acclaim and at least 1 emmy nod. If you see that happening, let me know.

BTW, check out The show got a 47%. That's not a passing grade.



Considering this was only the pilot, I would like to see it be given a chance. I understand some fans will look at it and think of Mad Men, but I think its best to actually watch the show and give it a real chance to see how the show does. We really can't base a show's full potential on its very first episode. If that was the case, there would've been several shows that grew to be Classics never allowed to grow.

Another thing Mad Men is a cable series, a network show's potential never should be compared to a show you have to pay to see. I don't know what will happen with The Playboy Club, but I'm willing to see what it has to offer, before completely shutting it down all because its a series set in the 60s. I personally felt the pilot was pretty good. I'm actually hoping more viewers will tune and enjoy the story its telling instead of jumping to conclusions that its trying to be a Mad Men knock off, or a show solely based on sex. JMO


Wasn't Mad Men Pilot a boring piece of crap? It take forever to reel in the audience because the intended pace of the show.

Show like this can't really be judge on the first few episodes....too bad I don't think NBC will realize that.

Racist Game = Pool. WHITE ball push COLORED balls back into holes. BLACK ball out = you win.


It seems that shows usually get canceled around the 9th episode, with a full 13 episodes actually shot, the following episodes getting posted online.



I would love to get a whole season. And then a 2nd and a 3rd............

But if i'm being honest. It may only last 13 episodes.

~ Party at the Moon Tower.~


I'm going with 5 episodes. Blatant Mad Men ripoff.


Blatant Mad Men ripoff.

You must be deaf, blind and dumb! This coming from a big Mad Men fan.

~ Party at the Moon Tower.~


Yeah, i feel like Mad men only gets like 2 million viewers. Why would NBC try to "bank" off a show that gets dismal ratings? Network television doesn't really care about critical acclaim. I love Mad Men and all (& I loved TPC's pilot) but I can't see Mad Men as the reason why they green lighted this series.


The pilot was good, It's not blow you out of the water good but fairly decent. I want it to last the entire year because It has an interesting premise, It's not going to beat Hawaii Five O for number 1 but it has a more than decent chance against Castle.


i actually was pleasantly surprised. are you saying it's a rip off of mad men only because it's set in the sixties? because as of right now, after the first episode, that is the only similarity. Oh, and yes, eddie cibriani has a voice that sounds like jon hamm's, but i am so not complaining about that. his character is a lawyer, the mob is involved, the girls are bunnies, and there is no advertising, anywhere.

I would easily watch this show for a full season.


I say 3 to 4 since they filmed that many?


The black girl on PC played the exact same part last season on Mad Men. When Don Draper and Layne price visited the Playboy Club on mad men. If I'm not mistaken she even wore the same color Bunny outfit.



Naturi Naughton:

MM: jpg



^^ I kid you not, I clicked on the first link and after the image loaded, a small in-frame ad appeared with a girl fisting herself. Couldn't get it to repeat a second time, but the third time, a toolbar appeared at the bottom with links to trannycams and whatnot.

Maybe don't use imagevenue anymore?


This is a truth post. I've seen worse pilots, but this show has a looming MM look-a-like hanging over its head and the Eddie Cibrian thing doesn't help.

Plus, yes Emmys and critics do count. I would have never found Madmen if it didn't win Emmys and the gossip. That also goes for Breaking Bad. People who hear this news will give the show a look and thus increase viewership. The networks don't care about Emmys and critics if your show is doing well, but if you are in the toilet, an Emmy and good press will get you a second chance with the network. If you don't believe this, then check the history of "Cheers".

Anyway, be honest! Does anyone think this show will make it an entire season?


Have you read all the replies? Everyone is giving their honest opinions.

~ Party at the Moon Tower.~


>IAmEffy on Mon Sep 19 2011 21:39:16 Have you read all the replies? Everyone is giving their honest opinions.

>~Party at the Moon Tower.~

I'm talking about my opinion and the fact that I'm not ripping the show as much as I'm being honest about the prospect of it making it past the freshman year.

Well I'm ripping it a little, but not as much as I could. I just think the over-the-moon optimists get defensive over an honest assessment.


Definately not defensive. I loved the pilot. But do I see it lasting a season? Of course not. If anything the ratings won't be there.

If it is picked up for an entire season I would be pleasently surprised.

~ Party at the Moon Tower.~


not enough cliches

after 3 episodes the writing will be on the wall. they will wait til half season to spare playboy the embarrassment.



damn. 1.6. you're right


I give the show 5 episodes. According to it debuted lower than Chase...Chase!

This show is DOA but that's what happens when nets copy other networks/channels' ratings failures. Mad Men is on cable for a reason because "good ratings" on cable is not the same as "good ratings" on network. NBC should've known better.

Enjoy it while it lasts because this club will be closing very soon.

"Evil spelled backwards is live": Mok



I'll take some of that action.

*Je comprends la pomme de terre*.




4 Episodes...Every actor was trying to mimic the people on Mad Men, espcially the lead male role. Who is trying to fool? He is no John Hamm or Don Draper!


I don't understand why people are saying Cibrian is mimicing Don Draper. Cibrian doesn't have the talent or the humility to imitate anybody. He hits his mark, turns his head a little, cocks his eyebrow, and smirks. No matter what the situation, this is what he does.. His "acting" implies that he's (like the girl whose t-shirt says she's too pretty for homework) too pretty to act. So far, this has been enough to keep him employed (although I think the fact that he's been in the tabloids a lot as a serial adulterer actually helped him get this particular part), and he has never shown the slightest inclination to do anything else, or anything more. In what way is he imitating Jon Hamm? I'm not sure he'd know how to begin.

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).


If the ratings continue like the pilot or drop even further then I say it's done by next week or the week after.



I think this show will be canceled, but I do wonder if NBC won't just let it run the full 13 episodes. They have SMASH all ready to go in the winter, and with the exception on Fear Factor, they don't have a whole bunch of shows to fill PC's spot.




The premeire topped out at 5 million viewers so unless it climbs in viewership it will probably be gone in about a month or so.


Really wasn't that bad for a pilot. People clearly just enjoy hating on new shows.

That said, this show wasn't meant for network TV.





For those who say 5 or less, I got news for you: 6 have been filmed. Whether they will air is TBD. Sadly, just because there have been 6 eps filmed doesn't mean that all will air... Stay tuned.



Let's see how it does next week. If Two and a Half Men is a total ratings blowout again, then TPC is DOA.


