MovieChat Forums > Clown (2016) Discussion > Definitely one of the better KILLER CLOW...

Definitely one of the better KILLER CLOWN films.

The performances are solid across the board, and I especially felt sympathetic for the lead guy. Peter Stomare is somewhat wasted here, because he doesn't have much to do except be the crazy guy, and eventhough he sort of gets the badguy treatment I felt he was right in his cause. Besides that I didn't have too many other problems with it. The kills/gore are really well done given the budget and I can always appreciate practical effects.

I also loved the set piece with those kids in that play room thing. I don't what you call them, but I remember jumping into those pens with the balls covering the bottom all the time as a kid. That whole scene was pretty damn effective and it was a nice touch how the guy's body/face became more messed up as the movie progressed. The make-up effects is this movie are just awesomely done all together.



Die along with Kent? I usually don't read spoilers on Wikipedia before I watch a movie. I just got tired of waiting to see this movie for more than a year after watching the trailer. I read that Kents wife knocked off his head while completely possessed, and that the costume is taken to be analysised by the cops.


rudypen, are you asking if that is what happens in the movie? if you are, everything you wrote/bring up is what happens in the movie.


What I wanna know is if the demons skin transformed back into the normal costume waiting for somebody else to put it on while the police took it away. Or did the demon die with Kent?


After Kent's decapitation, the police arrive at the scene. Next scene is a shot of someone sealing the wig and costume (which have reverted back to their original state) in police evidence bags. Roll credits...

So yeah, they've definitely left it open for a sequel. Not that I think it really needs one.


That's one thing I hate about bad endings. They leave open for sequels, but sequels usually don't come out afterward.


i agree the movie was pretty good. i adore Laura Allen and she was great in this as the mother Meg. actually the whole cast was very good.

Xavier, i completely agree that the kids arcade scene with the tunnel was surprising intense! that whole sequence was excellent and it had me on the edge of my seat the entire scene. it also kind of reminded me of ALIEN where Dallas is crawling through the airshaft tunnel things looking for the alien. lol.

when we see the full transformation (with Kent in the final part of the movie as well as when we first see it in the film footage Meg watched) the clown demon looks pretty damn freaky!


Not sure what you guys were smoking....But I thought this was awful.
Solid performances?? Don't watch many films do you....
The acting was average at best but the dialoged was ridiculous and unintentionally funny.
The story started off interesting but it just got worse and worse.
The kills were corny and badly done, the score was cheap, it sounded like they just downloaded some horror music samples online.
The actors barely reacted to pain when they should have been screaming.
The clown digs it's claws in to a woman's stomach and she hardly makes a sound.
The guy pretty much slits his own wrist near the start of the film and he acts as if he just got a paper cut.
So many ridiculous moments in this film.
I gave it a 4/10


Personally I thought it was fine for what it is, a straight to video horror very much in the vein of 90's video shop specials. I really enjoyed it, despite it's (pretty numerous) shortcomings. My only real beef with it was that it took itself a little too seriously.



Yeah that's your opinion.We don't bash yours so don't bash others.It was a great movie to us but to you it wasn't good analysis son.Ill buy you a lolly


I completely agree! The movie was original and entertaining with some very creepy/scary scenes, as well as some funny/campy ones. The acting, special effects, and makeup were all much better than what you'd expect from a low-budget horror flick.

One particular scene that really stood out to me was when Kent tried shooting himself, and instead of red blood, rainbow-colored blood/brains splattered onto the wall. It was actually kind of beautiful in a strange way.

Welcome to Fright Night....for real. 


I actually really liked the little details. I'm sick to death of the hyper cliche kids in horror films, so it was actually nice that the bully kid wasn't a rough and tumble poor kid overcompensating for not having a dad, he's just a spoiled little s**t who's spent too much time on Xbox live. The kid in the playground died saving his little brother instead of just being another randomly snatched victim.

The whole transformation thing was well done too, the first person to realize what's happening did just do the sensible thing and try to behead him.

Not sure if it was remotely intentional but the whole subtext did feel a lot like a guy giving into another kind of nasty urge involving children as it slowly destroyed him and his family. Always nice to have a horror film you can read more into. Between this, Babadook and It Follows I'd say it's been a pretty solid run of smarter horror films lately.


Yeah, I have to agree. I was pretty good. A nice surprise for something produced this late. I liked the way they worked the clown history into the story as well.


The only good thing about the movie is The Clown and the Vibe to B-Series movie, but as a movie who takes itself too seriously this movie is Bad, bad, bad.



This movie absolutely ruled. Was a few scenes away from being great.


It's pretty crap compared to Stitches (2012)

In fact it's pretty crap in general... Maybe not crap, but not particulary good, not at all scary, not at all funny, not very well acted

For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.


Yes it was really good, a few scenes genuinely scared me and stuff.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!
