The variation I heard was that you are supposed to be in a dark room, at night, ALONE. Then you close your eyes and spin around (similar to running around a baseball bat) while saying "Bloody Mary" three times.
When you stop spinning and open your eyes, you're supposed to see "Bloody Mary." (I can't recall if looking into a mirror was part of it.)
At first I thought "Bloody Mary" referred to the 16th century Queen of England, who got her nickname from the hundreds of executions of Protestants that she ordered. But now I think it means a ghost named "Bloody Mary."
1. Anyone hear of other versions?
2. Has anyone had the nerve to try it alone? I would only perhaps consider it if I'm among a bunch of friends and we were all going to try it, or if family were watching TV in the next room ... but completely by myself in a dark house (or apartment, condo, whatever) -- no way. I wouldn't do it in the same way I wouldn't go down to the cellar after watching a scary movie late at night.
I tried the Candy Man one once before. Years back when I saw the film. The wuss never turned up. I guess that my rep as being immensely fearsome is known on the otherside as well haha.
"To this end my fate is bound. Though I'm doomed. I'll stand my ground"
I've no idea. Maybe they just ripped off the Bloody Mary idea. It sounds like the same thing just with Candy Man in the mirror and not Bloody Mary. It's been years since I've seen that movie though. They lost it completely with the inferior sequels they released in the series.
"As lightning fills the air. Mjöllnir does it's work. The twinfold serpent roars in pain"
I've never tried it. The one you are supposed to do in front of a mirror, I first heard of in the late 90's. But somewhere around the late 80's, early 90's I was told of one where instead of standing in front of a mirror, you stand in front of a weeping willow tree and you say "Bloody Mary, I don't believe in you", or something like that, three times.
It was popular at my primary school, and after one of the Candyman sequels came out that got big as well. Girls would swear blind that they'd done it at home and seen ghosts and demons and all sorts, but would never be able to conjure anything in the school toilets, funnily enough
The Bloody Mary game is played in front of a mirror in the bathroom with the lights off and door closed. You don't spin around. You just look at the mirror and keep calling her name over and over. Supposedly if you call her name over 100 times, she'll come out and kill you. I tried this once with a friend but we stopped after maybe 10 or 15 times because we got too scared. I was told by someone else that she appeared when they did it.
Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera
You said she supposedly will kill you if you call her name over 100 times, but you then said you know someone who tried it and she appeared, but the person is still alive. Maybe mary didn't have her knife with her that night. LOL
Yep. I remember the game well as a kid. I never tried it, but a friend of mine during my childhood said she tried it, and she had a choker around her neck with her name on it, and the choker came off of her neck. Her name was on the choker in those little ivory little beads that have letters on them. They just fell onto the floor. I would have to have a few bloody marys in me, the alcoholic beverage, to try this. LOL They should make a horror movie about the legendary game.
Did any of you guys ever do the whole 'levitating' thing? Basically we used to do this at slumber parties all the time, along with Ouija boards and Bloody Mary, I think that all this *beep* was really popular to do in the freaking occult, Kreskin, Uri Geller spoon bending ESP obsessed seventies, but anyhow.
You basically got one of your friends to lie down and there was a whole thing about asking the spirits to assist you in levitating your friend. Then everyone would sit evenly around the kid lying down, put the first two fingers on each hand underneath the person and say the following: 'Light as a feather, stiff as a board, on the count of three she will rise. One, two, three.'
Needless to say, this never worked, but we always tried anyhow.
Bloody Mary was said three times into a mirror in the dark, you were supposed to first see Bloody Mary's face all cut up and messed up, then the faces of the boys who raped and murdered her (that was how the legend went where I grew up) then the same weird mutilation marks superimposed on your own face. This, of course, never happened either.
Ouija boards were way more fun. Everyone was always pushing the hell out of those things, spelling out all kinds of crazy *beep* but once in a while they seemed to actually be doing some weird *beep*
------------------------- "It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch
Yeah, all that stuff was so much fun to do as a kid. In the movie Exeter (it's on Netflix now if you have it) they do this also but they have an extra line about the weight of the coffin or something? It comes before the 'light as a feather, stiff as a board' part. I wish I could remember it. Anyhow, in that movie, it works, and some crazy stuff goes down. Not a great film, but fun to watch if you're bored some night. Do you remember saying anything like that before you would try the levitating? Maybe that's why it never worked for us--we weren't doing it right! Hah!
Now I'm wondering if I should throw an ESP/supernatural/Ouija themed party where we try all these crazy old urban legend/rumors/scary party tricks again. Could be fun!
I do think it's a good party idea, though!
------------------------- "It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch