MovieChat Forums > Silent House (2012) Discussion > Biggest flaw I've yet to see discussed (...

Biggest flaw I've yet to see discussed (spoilers)

First off let me just say the movie was fun. You guys are hating on it but it felt like going through a haunted house and I found it very entertaining. Even if the ending is predictable that doesn't take away from the ride. But then again when it comes specifically to horror I've always been able to just turn off my critical thinking and enjoy what I'm watching.

However, the only thing in this move I truly don't understand is events that take place off screen that we don't see. I get this is all in her head but we are following her. So we get to see everything she "sees" even if it is manifested. With that being said, the father knocked out in another room and later tied up just doesn't make sense. The film gives an example of her "imagining" things when her uncle is dragged into the room and insta-shot later we see it is her doing the dragging.

But that's ok because we see she is at least physically in the room to do that. Her father getting knocked out in another room and later tied up happened when? When did she place the pictures on the bed then later on the floor in the hall way?

I like how the film is playing out her delusions from her point of view, but this isn't a supernatural movie. She isn't a witch or anything. On one hand it's really cool it's all in one shot (pretty much) and we follow her through this nightmare, but on the other hand by following her all the way through it makes it impossible for certain things to have occurred.


I personally believe that once you realize that you are watching a story from the perspective of someone who is losing their mind (which she was), you cannot really demand logic from a movie anymore.

Yes we were seeing the movie from her perspective and we never saw the dad getting tied up in the other room, but I do think it's safe to say that her eyes can't really be trusted. She could easily have been hallucinating at any point while she was actually doing this.

I think the point of observing as the character losing their mind is that you CAN no longer make sense of what did and didn't happen, when, where and how. I think that is a way for the filmmaker to show us how out of control and delusional she has been all along.


I thought maybe the mold spores they uncovered at the beginning of the flick, were causing some sort of mass hallucination...

------------Im like a little beaver... a HOT little beaver...
