MovieChat Forums > Odd Thomas (2014) Discussion > This seems like it would be a good TV se...

This seems like it would be a good TV series.

It Almost Seems Like A Really Good TV Pilot.


agreed. plus I liked the effects.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


I thought the exact same thing. I think this would have made a really good television series, but it was just a mediocre movie. I do love Anton Yelchin as Odd.


Just saw this on netflix thought it eithe be a budget movie or really bad............
It was amazing.
10/10 if stormy had survived!!!
I really hope they make it in to a looong tv series and soon.


I agree ~ and there have been shows like it. Really came off as a Ghost Whispered/Dead Like Me mashup, to me.


Amazing movie - also saw it in Netflix. It would be GREAT if they made a sequel, prequel, or tv series out of it.


The comparison to "Dead Like Me," is spot on. Which may be why the movie has not become a show. Those of us who love and respect the truly original show that was "Dead..." would be outraged by this "Odd" knock-off.


BTW, "Ghost Whisperer" (2005) was a knock-off of "Tru Calling" (2003). Which makes "Odd Thomas" a third generation iteration of "Tru Calling." So..."Odd Thomas" is not so much a mash-up as it is incest.


The series could easily pre-date the movie too. Series director could be Joss Whedon. Or is that too obvious of a pick?


This movie was SO good and SO honest, that in Hollywood's typical style and character, they will likely kill any possible franchise by either ruining the sequel, or luring away the creators and writers with OTHER projects so it doesn't eventually become too successful, as as it obviously would. These characters could go farther than even Star Trek if it was carefully realized and executed.


Agreed. I was a bit underwhelmed - maybe it was the flat lighting , sometimes-obtrusive effects, or the OK-but-not-great acting, but it entertained me without overly impressing me. Maybe it was trying too hard to be quirky, if that makes sense.

However, as a TV pilot, perhaps on AMC or HBO, with places for the story to go every week, this would have been VERY promising and I would certainly tune in some more.


i would absolutely love this as a tv show. if the feature length movie had been a pilot episode, it would've been an incredible lead-in. maybe make some direct-to-Netflix sequels instead?

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


This seems to a be a common observation and I had this feeling too
Perhaps it is that there are already similar TV shows - I'm thinking of Reaper and Dead like Me and that one with the pie shop.
