Why did this get such bad reviews?
Thought it was a great movie. Was surprised I didn't even know it existed until just now
shareThought it was a great movie. Was surprised I didn't even know it existed until just now
shareProbably because the people that read the book were disappointed, and the people that didn't failed to see the point. None of my friends that watched the movie and didn't read the book enjoyed it, most of which either described feeling lost or just didn't get immersed in it. I'm sure some people like it, but...
I, personally, was also massively disappointed by this. It really didn't do the Dean Koontz book justice. COMPLETELY gutted it, and Stormy wasn't nearly as endearing. I don't agree with not holding this to the quality of the book, either as other movie adaptations have been very good, and they clearly had a decent enough budget. The plot they chose to leave out was completely baffling to me, as they were arguably some of the best parts of the book and even mere dialogue in some cases.
I read and loved the book, and I liked the movie. Though Stormy was a bit miscast, but nothing I couldn't live with. Oh, and too little of Ozzie :(
IMDb: A place where actors are complimented for their acting, actresses for their boobs
I have never read the book, and I'm very excited to do so. This movie was no better than maybe a 7.5, but I found it to be emotional and thoughtful. I thought the acting was pretty solid, the pacing was mostly fluid, and the style, though over-the-top, was fun. The narration and flashbacks kept the story engaging, even when the effects were questionable.
I can see why I viewer could give this a low rating, given the cheeky, almost unrealistic behavior of the characters, the vagueness of the atmosphere, and the slight flatness of the climax. But it has a certain light hearted energy and heart that I find watchable.
I could see Odd Thomas becoming a cult classic.
I agree. I haven't read the book and I enjoyed this quite a bit.
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I liked the movie and would love to see them continue with the series. I hadn't read any of the OT books until after seeing this movie and I enjoyed them, too. I'm not one of the book snobs that thinks a movie has to follow a book, word-for-word, to make it a good movie. Kind of like those comic book snobs that get all bent out of shape when something gets changed in the movie. "My gawd! Atom Crusher is 6'2" tall in the comics and they cast Joe Somebody and he's only 6'0" tall. How dare they?"
shareYou speak exactly that out what i think. I also did not read the books, but i liked the movie very much.
The people need to differentiate:
If something is based on a/the book/s <or> the same as a/the book/s.
If people hate the movie because it is not near enough on the book...be sad but dont downrate a solid movie for it.
Think about it as a slight different universe with slight changes and accept that for it. At least that is what i try to do.
"The end is not the end, but for the beginning an end is always near."
It was a pretty good movie. Not sure about the hate or why it didn't get a wider release.
shareI never read the books, so I don't know/care how faithful this is.
The acting and production levels were OK for a Nickolodeon after school tv show, but nothing more. Only this was a film production.
Not from me and many others it didn't. Thought it was very good and they should make another.
sharetrolles and vvvankers , keep giving bad reviwes
I thought it was horrible, but I didn't even know it was a book. I just saw it on Netflix. I can't imagine any adult would find this remotely tolerable... and yes, I actually watched the whole thing.
1) We get it. His name is Odd, and he's also kind of odd. Well, more annoying than odd, really, but whatever. You know that guy who has something to correct about everything anyone says (yes, I see the irony in this case)? That's Odd.
2) I started to figure this might be based on a book for teenage boys, or should be, buy the names of the characters alone. Odd? Stormy? Etc? Etc? Fungus Bob? I never quite understood that one.
3) Characters are introduced, disposed of, or re-introduced with practically no purpose whatsoever. Yes, I know Fungus Bob DOES things, but why him? Really, the cast could have been cut in half. Oh, and by the way... this guy shot the girl being chased by the dogs, WHY?!? Well, you know, just because. "POD" stands for Prince of Darkness? Really??? That's a rather large leap.
Anyways, it's a *beep* movie unless maybe you're just now getting pubes. The end.
Reading your post gives me a bigger insight into what is wrong with modern society, lack of intelligence and attention spam of a dead fish.
So your complaints about the movie are and the reason you think its horrible are
1 the name of the protagonist
2 the name of his girlfriend
3 too many secondary characters you could not fallow?
Funny thing that, but i thought what makes a movie is
camera work
audio directing
You know, things that actually make a movie? Not the name of one if the characters, if he was called john it would be a 10/10 movie? jesus
The girl killed by dogs saw pictures of the mall they were targeting, there was a whole scene dedicated to explain that
The fact people like you rate and comment here aggravates me, you literally cant think of a single reason to argument your opinion on a movie so you end up making up anything on teh spot to justify you complete lack of understanding of whats going on.
Mostly unlikable characters, bad performances, bad directing and stupid twist that hurts what's creepy about the first half.
LOL at the fact that a guy with an AK-47 can't manage to hit one person in a crowded mall.
I thought the characters were very likable. I don't know how anyone could not like Odd Thomas, but to each his/her own. The performances were superb as was the directing. The twist was right out of the book, so you should complain to Dean Koontz if you don't like it.
Actually, the movie did not indicate that NO ONE was hit by the gunman. The book actually states that 19 were killed and 41 injured. Research.
And since you acknowledge the "twist," how can you also state that NO ONE was hit?
Actors do not have a job...they have a blast!
Thx for explaining why the movie has bad reviews.
Shallow ignorance on the part of too many viewers.
Really, you must be trolling because, otherwise, I almost weep for the intellectual decay of society.
Oh, and "POD" has commonly stood for "Prince of Darkness" since...English... If you're wearing a tat that says "POD" there's not much else it *could* mean. If there was a problem with the writing of Odd's sudden realization it was that it took so damn long...
If it got bad reviews, I'm surprised by that. It's a really good movie.
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