MovieChat Forums > My Year of Dicks (2023) Discussion > A 15-year-old girl looking for ...?

A 15-year-old girl looking for ...?

... dick? How the hell did this smut ever get past the woke censors?

I haven't seen it so I'm not really taking a position on it.

But we live in a time when this topic is usually banned.

Sorry, the topic is disgusting.


The protagonist hunting down dicks to lose her virginity is 15?

No wonder Allaby sought this one out.


I didn't seek it out. I had never heard of it, until it was nominated for an Oscar. I watched it only because it is Oscar nominated.




From the IMDb plot summary:

My Year of Dicks is a hilarious and provocative work of animation thirty years in the making. Emotional and genre-mashing, an imaginative fifteen year-old is stubbornly determined to lose her virginity despite the pathetic pickings in the outskirts of Houston in the early 90's. This charming, heart-stomp, retro-romantic-comedy pulls no punches with its female-forward look at sexual awakening.


Such a shocker that his was the one and only post on this board before this one. Such a very surprising shocker. I bet he hoped she was more like 10 or 12 though.


Some people have actual hormones.


I agree. The topic doesn't appeal to me. But I think it's a legitimate one. I just know that topics like this cannot be discussed in 2023. There will be a shitstorm if it wins an Oscar.


Funny how it used to be the religious holy roller types that complained about sexual situations in films, now it's the wokies. My my, how things have changed.

Actually, hundreds of movies have covered this topic. Teen sexuality is a real thing. Adults can stop covering their eyes now.


I saw someone post that Sonny Bono was a child molester because he was 28 and Cher was 18. The paranoia about sexuality is palpable. I'm shocked this cartoon was even made in 2023.


Some will be shocked by it, I haven't watched the movie yet, so it's hard to say just how shocking it is or isn't.

That being said, I'm sure I could name 3 films right off the top of my head that deal with teen sexuality that are more shocking than this.


As an adult male the topic of an underage child explicitly looking for "dick" is disgusting. Yes, there are movies which explore teenagers and sex. Larry Clark's "Kids" was controversial for that reason.

But this cartoon is being passed off as if for children. I'm not a prude by any means. I'm a bit of a male slut. But this makes no sense to me that this is regarded as cute by some people.


I think that's the gray area of being what we call a "teenager" which is a term that is more of a 20th or perhaps a 21st century concept. At some point in history even today, 15 or 16 could be considered an adult in many countries today and historical civilizations, or at least its a time when people are not exactly children and not exactly adults. They're more like something in between, which is probably why writers create all types of stories centered around adolescence.

Why you would find it "disgusting" doesn't make a lot of sense when you were a teen yourself. Did you go to an all-virgin school where no one ever had sex? lol...

We were pretty wild in the town I grew up in. But as far as I know, I don't think they ever tried to pass this off as movie for little kids. It's for mature audiences.


Argue all you want, jailbait still means jail.


I haven't seen the movie. Does the girl go after older guys? Most countries/states won't put two teens in prison for having sex.

But yeah, I'm not questioning what the law is but biology typically doesn't care about Johnny Law.

Once someone has gone through the early stages of puberty that's when they'll start doing sexual things and sometimes they'll willingly do it with someone that's older than they are. Whether that's "good or bad" is a matter of opinion.


Stop trying to justify statutory rape, to yourself and others. No good can come from this line of argument, all you can accomplish is to get yourself in trouble.


I wasn't trying to justify it. The law is what it is...

I was just pointing out the truth. Hormones and biology usually take precedence over laws. Its like asking why do people keep stealing when they know they will end up in jail for doing it?

But again, I'd have to watch the movie to see what the fuss is all about. In fact, I didn't even know this movie existed until last night. However, the name of the movie is kind of controversial and the fact that it is a cartoon makes it a little shady but immoral or disgusting?? that's a pretty big leap to make.


Why do you keep making this point over and over, to an unsympathetic audience that is determined not to encourage you? You can't win anyone over, all you can do is dig yourself in deeper. And thereby make enemies.


Not trying to win anyone over. FFS dude, we're talking about a cartoon, which I'm sure most of us haven't seen. Looks like it's on Hulu. Unfortunately I don't have Hulu at the moment.


It's not statutory rape if both partners are under 18 or even 16 depending on where one lives. The age of consent does vary. Where I lived in the early 90s age of consent was 14 if the partner was under 16, and at 16 one could have sex with whomever they wanted. This takes place in the 90s.


I was on a Reddit discussion board where someone argued the age of consent should be raised to (wait for it)... 25. They argued "the cerebral cortex isn't fully developed yet", therefore anything under that age was "paedophilia". When I objected to this, asserting it would end up as disastrously as Prohibition for reasons which I listed, I was promptly accused of being a "pedo".


25 is crazy!! Can you imagine putting a 30 year old in prison for sleeping with a 24 year old? lol...

But yeah, I've heard people suggest 23-25 as the AoC. The problem I have with cerebral cortex is that the hormones in the body don't care how old a person is. Which goes back the old adage of "rushing hormones" and the results of such. Oddly enough, people's sexual desires don't suddenly change once they turn 26. Does a 18 year old suddenly become less attractive once you reach a certain age? The overall suggestion is ludicrous.


I'm frankly more concerned about how far the government would have to intrude in people's lives to enforce such a system than I am of my cerebral cortex, fully developed or not

The crazy thing is I had floated the age of eighteen thinking that would silence the pedo argument... didn't work obviously.


No doubt, it would be a nightmare to see the 26 and up crowd getting arrested for having sex with people that are 18-25.

I already question a lot of things the goverment does when it comes to human sexuality but this would be one of the most outrageous laws of all time if it came down to this. I would not want to see cerebral cortex have anything at all to do with sex laws.

Although, it does remind of that one case of that 18 year old girl that got arrested for sleeping with a 14 year old girl. From what I remember about the case, they had been dating for a while and had known each other for quite some time and it came out that they slept together and she got arrested. I disagreed with that arrest. Many states won't pursue a 4 or 5 year difference in age anyway.

I think this is the case here, unjust in my view...

100,000 people signed a petition in favor of the girl in question. Bring this story up to those Reddit people and I'm sure they would start singing a different tune.


Another insane, dystopian idea I heard is age bracketing of "acceptable" age differences... to make sure there are no "gross" relationships...

By the way, when did "gross" make such a huge comeback? Grown adults talking like teenagers from the 80s. Ugh.


Pretty sure the opposite scenario(high school boys desperately searching for vagina) has been done in movies and tv thousands of times.

Unless you feel that each of those is also "smut", you're being a bit of a hypocrite.


I have never seen a movie where a 15-year-girl talks about hunting for dick. Nor would I want to.

Depictions of horny teenagers, yeah, we've all seen that. But if a film shows two 15-year-olds having sex it is child pornography.

This one crosses the line. Is it okay for adults to sexualize children as this show does?


No, you've never seen a movie where a 15 year old girl used the words "hunting for Dick". You've likely seen more than one movie with promiscuous teen girls who just aren't laying it out there this explicitly.

Also, I don't even know what's in this ANIMATED movie, but I doubt it's showing anything too outside the norm. Maybe reserve judgement until you know more than the title of the, again, animated short film.


in Superbad michael cera and the fat kid were "hunting down pussy"


Dude, if this had been made 20 years ago, I would think, oh well, it's kinda disgusting to have a child drooling over "dick", but I don't really care as long as there is no nudity nor sex.

I'm mainly referring to my shock that woke Hollywood is permitting this topic in this anti-sexual paranoid era.


Woke people love child pornography.


15 year olds have sex. Nothing new.


Of course. And adults stay out of it.

So what crosses the line into exploitation and child porn?


You keep throwing this Child porn accusation out there. But you also stated you haven't actually seen the movie, so are you basing these rants entirely on the title(which could be using dicks as an adjective and not a noun)?


"Dick" means penis. Not rocket science here.

Huh? Where did I rant?

The topic is disgusting and I have absolutely no interest in it. Sorry, I don't want to watch a movie about a horny adolescent looking for dick.

Yes, if adults are getting their jollies from watching teenage girls talk about dick, that's inappropriate and crosses over into child porn. That being said, I'm absolutely libertarian on issues of free speech. So no, I wouldn't ban this disgusting cartoon.

So do you want to watch a little girl talk about dicks?


It also means jerk or asshole, genius.

I cant tell if you're trolling or are genuinely this obtuse and reactionary. Either way, i'm done with this topic.


Talk about obtuse. In this cartoon it means penis. She's looking for penis. Now if you wanna see a film about a 15-year-old girl looking for dick, be my guest, enjoy.


Just as I predicted, this short was snubbed by the Oscars.

My Year of Dicks was snubbed for the worst nominee of all

That Oscar Absolutely Should Have Gone to My Year of Dicks


So, are you conservative in that you are against what you are calling smut?

Or are you conservative because you are against the woke censors censoring smut?

Or are you conservative because you switch off seemlessly between two sides never giving logic, rationality or consistency a thought?

Or are you conservative because you think you are in the right whatever you say?

Or are you conservative because you overall attitude is angry, irrational and belligerent?
