MovieChat Forums > L.A. Noire (2011) Discussion > Kelso (spoilers for the climax/ending)

Kelso (spoilers for the climax/ending)

Anyone else really dislike that fact that the entire last act of the story you play as Kelso instead of Phelps? I mean the last part was the best part of the game and had more of a Film Noir feel that the rest of the game (mainly due to the corruption and conspiracy angle which is a staple of Noir) but I felt that playing as Kelso makes everything that came before just seem like an irrelevant series of episodes. Like I spent the whole game playing as a supporting character or something. Phelps' death in the end would have had much more impact if I had still been playing as him.


Definately agree. 100%. I kept saying to myself: "Okay, now we have to switch back to Cole."

I could have cared a hell of a lot more about Cole's death if I had actually concluded the story playing as him.

There He Goes. One of God's Own Prototypes. Too Weird to Live, and Too Rare to Die.


I actually liked Kelso more as a character because he's like every videogame hero, whereas Phelps constantly reminds you of that kid back in high school who would remind the teacher that there was supposed to be a quiz; And on top of that you find out how he acted in the war and how treated his family like garbage... lol, Phelps was just an all-around unlikable dude, and I thought it was nice that his dying act was saving Kelso.

However having Earle give his eulogy just didn't sit right with me and I hope they have some epilogue DLC coz I've wanted to wash that guy's mouth out with buckshot since he made his first appearance.


However having Earle give his eulogy just didn't sit right with me

That was a classic Film Noir ending though. Perfect really. Corruption continues despite the hero's triumph.


Kelso was definitely the more likable character, and more like the classic Noir hero, but it just didn't feel right to me that we hardly played as Cole for that whole part. Like I said that was the best part of the game story wise, but maybe it would have been better if we got to play as Cole in the final battle or even better if we had to play the final battle as Kelso first and then as Phelps.

Yeah it was a bit of a bummer the last time you get to be Phelps is when you're investigating Fontaine but I can forgive it coz Jack gets a flamethrower lol.

That was a classic Film Noir ending though. Perfect really. Corruption continues despite the hero's triumph.

lol I can appreciate it on that level but I still hope there's DLC where you get to further investigate as Kelso.


>>I actually liked Kelso more as a character because he's like every videogame hero, whereas Phelps constantly reminds you of that kid back in high school who would remind the teacher that there was supposed to be a quiz; And on top of that you find out how he acted in the war and how treated his family like garbage... lol, Phelps was just an all-around unlikable dude, and I thought it was nice that his dying act was saving Kelso.

Cole was just kinda bland, and had weird ideas in his head. Both John Martson and Nico Belic (from Read Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto IV) were much more interesting main characters.

Earle giving the eulogy was pretty brilliant. Even after Cole went through all he did, the corruption is still there.


i agree, i really fell in love with phelps even though he was moron sometimes, espicaly during war, I really liked his character, and kelso was just some minor character to me, so when the last chapter came i was dissaponted that i wasnt playing as phelps, plus kelso has only one freaking suit and phelps has several, so go phelps.
And as far as the ending goes, i liked it, it was Coles redemption, for the things he did in the war and with Elsa. But it didnt affected me as John Marstons death, but still i really liked it. I fell in love with Cole Phelps and with l.a. noire as a whole, i cant wait to see Cole again, once dlc cases are out.
Sorry for my english iam from czech republic


Kelso was definitely the more likable character, and more like the classic Noir hero, but it just didn't feel right to me that we hardly played as Cole for that whole part. Like I said that was the best part of the game story wise, but maybe it would have been better if we got to play as Cole in the final battle or even better if we had to play the final battle as Kelso first and then as Phelps.


Totally agree. I loved Phelps despite his flaws. And I felt like changing protagonists totally upset the storytelling.


I got used to Kelso and I didn end up liking him. My biggest problem with the ending was the fact that it felt as though there were still so many loose ends.


I got used to Kelso a bit too, I liked how he was a pretty decent guy. However, I agree we played him for too long.
I was really, really attached to Cole, and I kept saying to the TV; "Go back to Cole, dammit! I miss that bastard!"

Also.... anyone think we should have played as Elsa a little as well? She might not have been able to do detective work in the same capacity as Kelso and Phelps, but it might've added a little extra drama to the final build-up of events.



i actually liked kelso more than phelps.

I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not so sure.


I never really connected with Phelps, not like I connected with John Marston in Red Dead Redemption or Niko Bellic in GTA4. I would have actually preferred it if I'd have been playing as Kelso right the way through the game, he seemed like a far more interesting character than Phelps. I haven't finished the game yet, by the way. I'm on 'A Polite Invitation', just after Phelps has told Kelso he needs his help and they go to the Hall of Records.

It also seems paedophiles were rife in those days.

Justice for the 96
-15th April 1989



Yes, I'm amazed that in alot of LA Noire boards there's no mention of Kelso's boss' teen girlfriend. Kicking down the door and finding her in bed naked was even more shocking to me than questioning the teen victim in The Fallen Idol case, Jessica Hamilton.


The girl found in bed in Benson's apartment wasn't even 13 yet.

I was disgusted. Actually, so was Kelso. That's what I really liked about this guy. He showed genuine concern for this girl and couldn't believe what his boss had been doing, whereas there were probably a few men in those days who would have turned a blind eye to it because the guy was their boss.

Justice for the 96
-15th April 1989



I had a very odd reaction to busting in that door. Before I did, I'd looked at the bottle on the counter and noticed that two glasses had been poured. So I immediately knew that there was some one else in the apartment. So when Kelso kicked in the door, I said, "AHH HAAAA!!!" which was followed very quickly by a, "OH GOD, YOU DISGUSTING PERV!!"

"Are you in the army?"
"No man, I just have short hair."




I almost instantly liked Kelso far more than I ever did Phelps. I don't think I've ever been more indifferent towards a game protagonist before.
So, I actually thought it was a bit of a nice surprise when Kelso, I guess, kinda took over.

"Ask me again."


Playing as Kelso was an awesome surprise and perhaps my favorite part of the game. He really puts a sense of Noir in the game, where as Cole and pals mostly do police procedure investigation, Kelso is pure P.I. - he gets beaten up, chased, shot, all the great noir tropes.

Fol rol de ol rol.



This is the first game I've played for the TV expression "Jumped the shark" seems appropriate. And it happens exactly when Jack Kelso ceases to be an NPC. At that point, I was as fully invested as I could be in the character of Cole Phelps. When I first started playing Kelso, for a few seconds I found it exciting that I was playing a different character for a segment. But ending the game as Kelso, when the first 75% or more of the game followed Cole, didn't seem appropriate.

Still an awesome game, but I was so disappointed with the last 25% of it.

The games afoot. Follow your spirit and upon this charge cry God for Harry,England,and St. George


I think if we knew Phelps better, we would feel more sorry for him. His character is paper thin with no development, he's like a robot. When we see him working, it seems like a no nonsense, out of my way working machine, when we see him actually interact with his wife (for about 20 seconds) and Elsa it seems weird watching him as a regular person.

Why is it so easy for children to break into The Pentagon?
