Wow aren't you great? And which crime ridden crap hole do you reside from? People kill eachother everywhere, disproportionately in 3rd world areas and trouble zones. Just because someone was in the military or enjoys hunting or sport shooting and the chemistry, science, and mathematics behind firearms makes them a psycho gun nut? That would be like me assuming your entire country is filled with idiots based on your post. Thankfully at least half the world is open minded enough to try and grasp other perspectives.
By the way the casing is wrong too, I haven't read further down and don't intend to so sorry if somebody else mentioned this, but this was the most obvious '?' to me, I just smile and ignore it, so no the scene didn't bother me but it was perhaps an oversight, even a goof to use a rifle casing coming out of a pistol... It looked like a 5.7 casing, which is strange, maybe the weapons experts on movies use a universal blank that fits all 'movie prepared guns'. And doesn't actually fit a real weapon, so there's no chance of a bad accident, and the blank happens to come in that case... That would make sense, and I suppose they were right not to care enough to CGI the correct case as nobody really noticed, and those that did shouldn't care, it's a movie after all.