MovieChat Forums > Pepe Le Pew Discussion > Removed from new movie for promoting rap...

Removed from new movie for promoting rape culture

And he's a lousy Frenchman!


This is ridiculous.



Jesus christ! When is this stupidness going to end?!

Who is actually getting offended by this stuff? Until I read this story, I had forgotten all about that horny little skunk.


I think it's here to stay. It's so commonplace now, it has stopped being amusing to me by it's ridiculousness. I can't even make up any dopey joke posts that are sillier than reality now.


In the words of Mel Brooks: Political Correctness is the death of Comedy.


What did one person say to another person?

Something positive and complimentary.


What a terrific audience! I'll be here all week.


I thought he was canceled for being a smelly MFer




I wish he could have been cancelled back when I was still a kid because I watched his cartoons all the time growing up and I'm now a chronic rapist because of it. I go around raping everything and everyone in sight: men, women, animals, trees. And it's all because I watched this French skunk on TV growing up. He should have been removed before I ever watched him but it's far too late now. I can't give Pepe Le Pew all the blame though, I also played with Mr. Potato Head toys and read Dr. Suess books as a youth. So there was really no hope for me.


You, sir, are worse than Hitler!



If my memory serves me well, his 'victim's were usually dark colored animals (usually cats) that had been accidentally painted white down their pelt?


The whole point of the character was:

1) So Mel Blanc could do his exquisite French accent, and
2) To satirize and stereotype European culture in general, and French culture in specific.

What could a satirical character from the 1950s add to anything being made today?


I just recently heard about this stupidity.

There are a couple of very young guys where I work and one was asking me about "BIkini Bottom" and I asked if that wasn't from Sponge Bob. That's something I never watched. I was way too old by then and my son no longer watched cartoons.

We got to talking about cartoons and I said I was from the "Looney Tunes" era. I loved those cartoons. They both agreed. They watch them too. One especially loved the Tazmanian Devil. I wonder what cancel culture has to say about THAT character. They told me about Pepe le Pew promoting "rape and pedophilia"!!

They both agreed with me how totally stupid that is. He was a cartoon skunk chasing a cartoon cat he mistook for a skunk for crying out loud!!

I watched these as a child with my sisters and friends and none of us ever thought Pepe was a criminal, just highly deluded about his attractiveness.

Who comes up with these idiotic ideas? How touchy and sensitive are people today that a CARTOON character upsets them?
